Forensic Science

Showing 1–16 of 65 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Drug-Impaired Driving in Canada

While drug-impaired driving has been a criminal offence in Canada since 1925, charges have been more common and more complex since the approval of the Drug Recognition Exercises (DRE) and … 265 View

Gender, Race & Canadian Law

A Custom Textbook from Fernwood Publishing

Gender, Race & Canadian Law explores feminist and critical race approaches to Canadian law. The collection, which is suitable for undergraduate courses, begins with a basic overview of … 405 View

Lawyer’s Guide to the Forensic Sciences

The clash of the scientific and legal cultures in the courtroom, though theoretically directed at finding the truth, is marked by tension. Forensic science — science applied to the legal … 1021 View

Introducing Canadian Law and the “Official Version of Law” Law and Justice

From: Gender, Race & Canadian Law

30 $3.00 Add

Sources of Information

From: Drug-Impaired Driving in Canada

While drug-impaired driving cases involve the typical sources of information in any criminal matter, in addition they include information garnered through Drug Recognition Evaluations (DRE) and … 9 $0.90 Add

The Need for Scientific Literacy in the Legal Community

From: Lawyer's Guide to the Forensic Sciences

Introduces the book by discussing the need for scientific literacy in the legal community, and the important role that science can play in the courtroom. 9 $0.90 Add

Forensic Experts in the Criminal Justice System

From: Lawyer's Guide to the Forensic Sciences

Discusses the role of forensic experts in the criminal justice system, focusing on issues including identifying and retaining a "good" expert, the importance of ensuring effective … 13 $1.30 Add

SFST and DRE Testing

From: Drug-Impaired Driving in Canada

This chapter discusses the types of tests used to detect the presence of and impairment from drugs in Canada, including the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) and the Drug Recognition … 21 $2.10 Add

Theorizing Law

From: Gender, Race & Canadian Law

; 30 $3.00 Add

Chemical Testing for Drugs

What It Is, How It Works

From: Drug-Impaired Driving in Canada

This chapter outlines the various chemical tests are used to detect the presence of drugs, using different bodily samples. 22 $2.20 Add

Expert Evidence

Judge as Gatekeeper

From: Lawyer's Guide to the Forensic Sciences

Explores expert evidence, and specifically the judge’s role as the "gatekeeper" who will decide what opinion evidence will be permitted and what will not. The chapter explains how … 14 $1.40 Add

Race and Privilege Understanding Race and Racialization

From: Gender, Race & Canadian Law

5 $0.50 Add

Criminalizing Race

From: Gender, Race & Canadian Law

25 $2.50 Add

Presenting Scientific Evidence in the Courtroom

From: Lawyer's Guide to the Forensic Sciences

Discusses the role of scientific evidence in the courtroom, focusing on how the evidence is presented and the rules stated in Browne v Dunn. 7 $0.70 Add

The Matrix

From: Drug-Impaired Driving in Canada

The drug-category matrix provides a method of classification to test to determine the kind of drug or the category of drug which impaired the accused. This matrix forms the centre of the … 4 $0.40 Add

Critically Examining the Forensic Sciences

Inquiries and Reports

From: Lawyer's Guide to the Forensic Sciences

Considers the importance of critically examining the forensic sciences, focusing on the Ratushny Self Defence Review, the Morin Inquiry, the Inquiry regarding Thomas Sophonow, the Manitoba … 69 $6.90 Add