
Showing 1–16 of 54 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Decolonizing Trauma Work

Indigenous Stories and Strategies

In Decolonizing Trauma Work, Renee Linklater explores healing and wellness in Indigenous communities on Turtle Island. Drawing on a decolonizing approach, which puts the “soul wound” … 175 View


Taking a Seat at the Economic Table

It is time. It is time to increase the visibility, role, and responsibility of the emerging modern Indigenous economy and the people involved. This is the foundation for economic reconciliation. … 274 View

Kaandossiwin, 2nd Edition

How We Come to Know Indigenous re-Search Methodologies

Indigenous methodologies have been silenced and obscured by the Western scientific means of knowledge production. In a challenge to this colonialist rejection of Indigenous knowledge, Anishinaabe … 369 View


Trauma, Story, and Indigenous Healing

Five hundred years of colonization have taken an incalculable toll on the Indigenous peoples of the Americas: substance use disorders and shockingly high rates of depression, diabetes, and other … 370 View

Chapter 1

How Things Work and Why Stories Matter

From: Legacy

In this chapter, the author discusses the history of trauma experienced by indigenous communities as a result of colonialism. This chapter also includes a general overview of indigenous … 30 $3.00 Add


From: Indigenomics

Introduction 16 $1.60 Add


From: Kaandossiwin, 2nd Edition

In the Preface, Kathleen Absolon reflects on the creation of the second edition of Kaandossiwin. I present this second edition as an offering to those who themselves are knowledge seekers and … 4 $0.40 Add


From: Decolonizing Trauma Work

8 $1.12 Add

Chapter 2

What it Means to Be Colonized

From: Legacy

This chapter includes a discussion of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as it impacts indigenous people. The author also discusses the ways in which trauma affects how individuals and communities … 31 $3.10 Add

Colonialism, Indigenous Trauma and Healing

From: Decolonizing Trauma Work

32 $4.48 Add

Preparing for re-Search: Having Tea and Bannock

Part 1: Engaging Kaandossiwin in re-Searching

From: Kaandossiwin, 2nd Edition

In chapter I, Absolon offers a revised and updated introduction, which includes a discussion of events that have occurred since the publication of the first edition in 2011 with federal … 30 $3.00 Add

Through the Lens of Worldview

From: Indigenomics

Topics discussed in this chapter include Indigenous economic displacement and marginalization and Indigenous worldview and responsibility. 20 $2.00 Add

Chapter 3

Becoming Human

From: Legacy

In this chapter, the author recalls her youth and relationship with her parents and how that shaped her identity as an indigenous person. The chapter concludes with a list of developmental trauma … 26 $2.60 Add

Indigenous Health Care

Practitioners Join the Circle

From: Decolonizing Trauma Work

23 $3.22 Add

Indigenous re-Search: Past, Present and Future

Part 1: Engaging Kaandossiwin in re-Searching

From: Kaandossiwin, 2nd Edition

In chapter 2, Absolon contextualizes and presents a glimpse into Indigenous Peoples’ history as searchers as well as discusses the impact of colonizing knowledge. Indigenous re-search as a … 38 $3.80 Add

The Nature of Wealth

From: Indigenomics

Topics discussed in this chapter include a timeline of money, ceremony as an expression of wealth, and the economic distortion through the lens of wealth and poverty. 14 $1.40 Add