Human Rights

Showing 1–16 of 140 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase


Security and Insecurity after 9/11

This edited collection critically analyzes the concept of “terrorism,” the Canadian and American government responses to terrorist activity since the events of 9/11 and the problem of … 221 View

Educating for Action

Strategies to Ignite Social Justice

The pursuit of freedom and justice is a timeless effort, but new activists may not know where to begin, while more experienced ones often become jaded or fatigued. The task of constructing a new … ; 259 View

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract

A cultural planner's immodest proposal: change how we think about children and we just might change the world. We live in an 'adultitarian' state, where the rules are based on … 218 View

Human Rights

Social Justice in the Age of the Market

Rampant market economics has led to violations of human rights. Koen de Feyter questions how far the international human rights system provides effective protection against the adverse effects of … 250 View

In Search of a Better World

A Human Rights Odyssey

A work of memoir, history, and a call to action, the CBC Massey Lectures by internationally renowned UN prosecutor and scholar Payam Akhavan is a powerful and essential work on the major human … 401 View

In Your Face

Law, Justice, and Niqab-Wearing Women in Canada

This book explores the experiences of a group of women in Canada who are small in numbers yet have garnered much legal, political, and social attention in recent years. Muslim women who cover … 266 View

International Human Rights Law

The last fifty years have witnessed the development of a global system of human rights promotion and protection. Canada has played a significant role in its growth and will likely continue to do … ; 651 View

Ohpikiihaakan-ohpihmeh (Raised Somewhere Else)

A 60s Scoop Adoptee's Story of Coming Home

During the 60s Scoop, over 20,000 Indigenous children in Canada were removed from their biological families, lands and culture and trafficked across provinces, borders and overseas to be raised … 213 View

Radical Transformation

Oligarchy, Collapse, and the Crisis of Civilization

Radical Transformation is a story about industrial civilization’s impending collapse, and about the possibilities of averting this fate. Human communities first emerged as egalitarian, … 264 View

The Global Refugee Crisis: How Should We Respond?

The Munk Debates

The world is facing the worst humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. Over 300,000 are dead in Syria, and one and half million are either injured or disabled. Four and a half million … ; ; ; ; 114 View

The United Nations in the 21st Century

Grappling with the world's most challenging issues: militarism, the environment, human rights, inequality

After more than seven decades, the United Nations embodies humanity’:s hopes for peace, security, social justice, human rights, equality for women, and a voice for all. At the same time, … 98 View


Reading Peace Education

From: Educating for Action

Editors Jason Del Gandio and Anthony J. Nocella II, along with volume contributors, present Educating for Action: Strategies to Ignite Social Justice as an engaging and instructive manual for … 4 $0.40 Add


The United Nations and Peace: A fair assessment

4 $0.40 Add


The United Nations and Peace: A fair assessment

From: The United Nations in the 21st Century

4 $0.40 Add


Meet Your Neighbours

From: In Your Face

In the introduction, the author outlines the reasons why some women choose to wear the niqab, and the flagrant disregard for these women’s basic dignity and human rights. 17 $1.70 Add


From: Human Rights

6 $0.60 Add