University-researcher Relations

Showing 1–16 of 51 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Academic Freedom in Conflict

The Struggle Over Free Speech Rights in the University

For more than a century academics have had unique rights — to speak, teach, and write freely. Central to the case for academic freedom is that scholars must be able to voice their views … 368 View

Protecting Research Confidentiality

What happens when law and ethics collide

Lawyers and their clients can talk in complete confidence, secure that the law protects what they say from being revealed to anyone. Priests can hear confessions with reasonable certainty that no … ; 432 View

Feminism and Theory Race, Class, Gender and the Law

An Introduction

From: Gender, Law & Justice

10 $1.00 Add


From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

Provides an overivew of the topic of Research Confidentiality and the problem that academic researchers are not protected by law when it comes to assuring confidentiality to their participants, … 7 $0.70 Add

Preface & Introduction

From: Academic Freedom in Conflict

Outlines the arguments made in the book and why this book is important to the discussion going on ; 18 $1.80 Add

Professors Beware:

The Evolving Threat of “Institutional” Academic Freedom

From: Academic Freedom in Conflict

Constitutional scholar David Rabban examines the increasing prominence of the concept of “institutional academic freedom” in American constitutional law and its implications. He … 30 $3.00 Add

Threats to Research Confidentiality

From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

Examines the threats to research confidentiality currently being faced by academics through outlining the purpose of the book as a whole, lawful threats to research confidentiality, What is at … ; 14 $1.40 Add

Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom in the Managed University

From: Academic Freedom in Conflict

Len Findlay looks broadly at the changing character of the contemporary university, and how university autonomy has become a threat to academic freedom rather than a means to ensure it. As … 16 $1.60 Add

Ogden’s Research on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

Beginning of their analysis of Russell Ogden’s case regarding the subpoena he received on his research into assisted suicide, looks at his history with Simon Fraser University’s … ; 11 $1.10 Add

Academic Freedom and Professional Standards

A Case Study

From: Academic Freedom in Conflict

Matthew W. Finkin starts from the position, following the “1915 Declaration,” that “academic freedom is a professional liberty in the exercise of which the faculty member is … 29 $2.90 Add

The Coroner, the Media, and SFU

From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

Looks at Assisted Suicide in the News, The media and Ogden – their want of an expert and finding one in Ogden, Ogden and the SFU Administration ; 12 $1.20 Add

Defending Research Participants

From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

An Introduction to understand evidentiary Priviledge, statutory priviledgem priviledge in common law and how it is decided on a case by case basis (wigmore criteria), looks at Ogden’s … ; 13 $1.30 Add

The Right to Think Otherwise

From: Academic Freedom in Conflict

Mark Gabbert addresses the same issues, starting from a concern that “a too one-sided emphasis on professional norms risks having the effect of producing not critical minds but . . . well, … 27 $2.70 Add

Protecting Research Participants, or Protecting the University from Research Participants?

From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

Looks at institutional conflict of interest when it comes to academic research involving human participants, ethics under the law, and the limited confidentiality afforded to researchers ; 11 $1.10 Add

The Limits of Academic Freedom

From: Academic Freedom in Conflict

Joan Scott discusses the tensions inherent in the theory and practice of the academy as a self-regulating community. She explores those tensions and argues that, while they are unresolvable, they … 27 $2.70 Add

Academic Freedom as a Contraint on Freedom of Religion

From: Academic Freedom in Conflict

John Baker offers a philosophical analysis of whether it is plausible to claim that an institution can require compliance with tenets of a religion while being capable of fulfilling the societal … 22 $2.20 Add