Nova Scotia

Showing 1–16 of 31 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

The Mass Casualty Commission: The Facts, The Findings, and What Must Be Done

In this book Dean Beeby distills the extensive research of the Mass Casualty Commission into a readable account of exactly what happened during 13 chaotic hours when 22 Nova Scotians were … 208 View

Merchant Princes

Halifax's First Family of Finance, Ships and Steel

This book tells the story of an extraordinary family of merchants and entrepreneurs. It begins in 1810, when William Stairs opened a small general store on the Halifax waterfront. Over the next … 376 View

The Attack on Nova Scotia’s Schools

The story behind 25 years of tumultuous change

Nova Scotia’s public schools and their students have faced dramatic conflict and drastic change over the past 25 years. While critics charge that schools are failing kids, teachers have … 180 View


From: The Attack on Nova Scotia's Schools

9 $0.90 Add


From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In the introduction to this book, Beeby outlines why the Mass Casualty Commission’s report was requested, and why he created this simplified and straight-forward summary of their report. 7 $0.70 Add

The Stairs Family: An Overview; Foreword by Peter G.White; Introduction: A Nova Scotia Dynasty

From: Merchant Princes

Provides an overview of the Stairs family and its history, the preface notes an oddity and missing information from their research which has revealed a mysterious aspect to the Stairs family, the … 18 $1.80 Add


From: Merchant Princes

1730-1797. Looks at the marriage between Hannah Roe and John Steers (not Denis Stairs as was previously thought) their time in Grenada, examines Hannah’s two other marriages after … 24 $2.40 Add

Chapter 1: Neighbourhood Murders

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby summarizes the murders in Portapique the night of April 18th, 2020, as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. He provides background on the … 19 $1.90 Add

The Roots of Educational Reform

From: The Attack on Nova Scotia's Schools

10 $1.00 Add

Chapter 2: RCMP Response

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby summarizes the initial police response to the murders in Portapique on the night of April 18th, 2020, as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. His … 23 $2.30 Add

Inventing the Myth that Our Schools Are Failing (1980-2000)

From: The Attack on Nova Scotia's Schools

17 $1.70 Add

The Patriarch

From: Merchant Princes

1797-1865. Focuses on the life of William Stairs known as the patriarch of the Stairs family. The chapter looks at the fortune to be made in shipping, the struggles the family had, … 33 $3.30 Add

A Merchant’s Needs

From: Merchant Princes

1819-1867.Traces the impact of William James (WJ) Stairs and examines his interest in politics, the expansion of the family firm, his dealings with the Confederacy during the US Civil War, … 35 $3.50 Add

Chapter 3: Quiet

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby summarizes what occurred overnight in Portapique between April 18th and 19th 2020 as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. These hours marked the … 10 $1.00 Add

The Global Education Reform Movement (2000-2010)

From: The Attack on Nova Scotia's Schools

13 $1.30 Add

Chapter 4: Awakening

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby describes the events of the early morning of April 19th, 2020 as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. There was a second round of murders at a … 21 $2.10 Add