Dean Beeby

Showing 1–16 of 21 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

The Mass Casualty Commission: The Facts, The Findings, and What Must Be Done

In this book Dean Beeby distills the extensive research of the Mass Casualty Commission into a readable account of exactly what happened during 13 chaotic hours when 22 Nova Scotians were … 208 View

Murder in Renfrew County

The predator who left three women dead- and the justice system that failed to stop him

The murder of three women in Ontario’s Renfrew County, and the inquest into violence against women that followed. The story of the murder of three women in Ontario’s Renfrew county by … 226 View


From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In the introduction to this book, Beeby outlines why the Mass Casualty Commission’s report was requested, and why he created this simplified and straight-forward summary of their report. 7 $0.70 Add

Introduction and a Note on Language

From: Murder in Renfrew County

Author Dean Beeby takes the reader through his thoughts while working at the CBC Parliamentary Bureau as the case broke. Dean reflects on the incompetence of the justice system and how it failed … 10 $1.00 Add

Chapter 1: Neighbourhood Murders

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby summarizes the murders in Portapique the night of April 18th, 2020, as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. He provides background on the … 19 $1.90 Add

Chapter One: Triple Murder

From: Murder in Renfrew County

This chapter leads us through the murders of Nathalie Warmerdam, Anastasia Kuzyk, and Carol Culleton on September 22nd 2020. Beeby Introduces the victims, their relationship to their killer, and … 47 $4.70 Add

Chapter 2: RCMP Response

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby summarizes the initial police response to the murders in Portapique on the night of April 18th, 2020, as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. His … 23 $2.30 Add

Chapter Two: Trail of a Killer

From: Murder in Renfrew County

This chapter acts as a case study and details how each of Borutski’s former partners found themselves victim to Intimate partner violence. Dean Beeby highlights the unique steps each woman … 84 $8.40 Add

Chapter 3: Quiet

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby summarizes what occurred overnight in Portapique between April 18th and 19th 2020 as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. These hours marked the … 10 $1.00 Add

Chapter Three: The Preventable Crime

From: Murder in Renfrew County

This chapter follows the murders of Arlene May, Theresa Davies, and Gillian Hadley in the Renfrew County Area and the two separate inquests that followed their deaths 17 and 13 years before the … 20 $2.00 Add

Chapter 4: Awakening

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby describes the events of the early morning of April 19th, 2020 as described by the Mass Casualty Commission in its final report. There was a second round of murders at a … 21 $2.10 Add

Chapter Four: The Renfrew County Inquest

From: Murder in Renfrew County

This chapter describes the Renfrew County inquest, including the three parties that were given standing to cross examine, and the jurors selected. Like the two former inquests, this was not about … 14 $1.40 Add

Chapter 5: Five Rounds

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby describes the events where RCMP officers fired on another RCMP officer on the morning of April 19th amid the RCMP’s search for mass shooter Gabriel Wortman, as … 9 $0.90 Add

Chapter Five: The Justice System Sieve

From: Murder in Renfrew County

Chapter Five pays close attention to the exact way in which the justice system failed the victims of the September 22nd murder. Illuminating the ways in which Basil Borutski was able to shirk … 32 $3.20 Add

Chapter 6: Big Stop

From: Mass Murder, Police Mayhem

In this chapter, Beeby summarizes the encounter between mass shooter Gabriel Wortmand and RCMP officers which resulted in Wortman’s death the morning of April 19th, 2020, as described by … 19 $1.90 Add

Chapter Six: The Fix

From: Murder in Renfrew County

Chapter six reviews key recommendations made by the jurors in light of the Inquest. Of the eighty-two recommendations the first called upon the provincial government to declare intimate partner … 37 $3.70 Add