
Showing 1–16 of 108 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Canadian Critical Race Theory

Racism and the Law

This book is about the role that race and racism play in the theory and practice of law. It shows how Canadian Black lawyers and others are beginning to seriously consider the role of race in … 232 View


Limits and Prospects for Human Survival

Weaving together findings from a wide range of disciplines, Power traces how four key elements developed to give humans extraordinary power: tool making ability, language, social complexity, and … 416 View

State Theories Third Edition

Classical Global and Feminist Perspectives

The Third Edition of State Theories: Classical, Global and Feminist Perspectives formally introduces a new co-author, Wendee Kubik. Since the first edition of State Theories was published … ; 221 View

The Great Class War 1914-1918

Far from an accident of history, the First World War was a long sought-after event welcomed by European elites as a check against democratization and socialist reforms — but the war had … View

The Power Manual

How to Master Complex Power Dynamics

Liberate yourself by understanding and mastering power dynamics All social relations are laden with power. Getting out from under dominant power relations and mastering power dynamics is perhaps … 195 View

Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism

Class, Class Consciousness and Activism in the “Knowledge Economy”

Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism is a pathbreaking study of the changing class makeup of the Canadian, other G7 and Nordic labour forces since the 1980s, documenting especially the rise of … 369 View


The Great War in Dali-Vision

From: The Great Class War 1914-1918

Introduction to the concept of Dali-vision and how you have to remove yourself to examine the situation. Brief overview of how the author will tackle the Great War from a class percpective by … 14 $1.40 Add


From: Canadian Critical Race Theory

6 $0.72 Add


From: State Theories Third Edition

; 5 $0.50 Add


From: The Power Manual

Why do power relations matter in social change, or for any of us who care about living the best life we can live? Because we have to be clear about the type of power we seek. We need power to … 4 $0.40 Add


From: Power

In the introduction, Heinberg suggests that while there is not a single solution to the converging crises of the 21st century, there is a single causative agent. That causative agent is … 13 $1.30 Add


From: Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism

In the introduction to this book, D.W. Livingstone explains what the "tipping point for capitalism" is, and how we have arrived to it. Livingstone breaks down the basic elements of … 18 $1.80 Add

An Interview with Nancy Fraser

From: Crisis and Contagion

In this chapter, Ian McKay interviews Nancy Fraser. Fraser offers an insightful analysis of how capitalism neoliberal politics facilitated the COVID-19 pandemic. Fraser offers a conception of … 23 $2.30 Add

Classical Liberalism

From: State Theories Third Edition

; 17 $1.70 Add

Critical Race Theory

The Birth of A Theory

From: Canadian Critical Race Theory

33 $3.96 Add

Effective Interactions

Supremacist Power and Liberatory Power

From: The Power Manual

There are three core propositions in chapter 1, Effective Interactions, drawing on the work of Michel Foucault and bell hooks: (1) that there are both supremacist and liberatory ways to act out … 4 $0.40 Add