James Lorimer and Company

Showing 1–16 of 1467 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

A New Kind of Union

Unifor and the birth of the modern Canadian union

This book describes the unique process by which the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) decided not just to merge but to create … 256 View

Academic Freedom in Conflict

The Struggle Over Free Speech Rights in the University

For more than a century academics have had unique rights — to speak, teach, and write freely. Central to the case for academic freedom is that scholars must be able to voice their views … 368 View

Basic Income For Canadians

From the Covid-19 Emergency to Financial Security for All

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of providing a basic income to everyone in Canada who needs it was already gaining broad support. Then, in response to a crisis that threatened to put … 258 View

Beverley McLachlin

The Legacy of a Supreme Court Chief Justice

As a judge, Beverley McLachlin has had an unequalled impact on Canadian life. She stands out for her unique ability to stand up for the values and beliefs that reflect the best of Canada and … ; 232 View

Big Business and Hitler

For big business in Germany and around the world, Hitler and his National Socialist party were a welcome political development. Business was facing the Great Depression of in the 1930s, and for … 304 View

Bill Gates, Pay Your Fair Share of Taxes…Like We Do!

Bill Gates and other wealthy individuals around the world do pay taxes–but usually at rates far below what most taxpayers pay. As Warren Buffet says, his secretary pays a higher tax rate … 184 View

BlackBerry Town

How high tech success has played out for Canada's Kitchener-Waterloo

The smartphone was an incredibly successful Canadian invention created by a team of engineers and marketers led by Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie. But there was a third key player involved — … 264 View

Campus Confidential

100 startling things you don't know about Canadian universities (Second Edition)

In 2011, the first edition of Campus Confidential sparked a lively debate about what is really going on inside our colleges and universities. The media and readers alike welcomed this readable, … ; 256 View

Canada after Harper

His ideology-fuelled attack on Canadian society and values, and how we can now work to create the country we want

Most Canadians know that Stephen Harper has had a tremendous impact on the country since becoming prime minister in 2006. But few have the in-depth knowledge of how far his transformation has … 400 View

Canada In Afghanistan

A story of military, diplomatic, political and media failure 2003-2023

Canadian leaders then and now claim great success for Canada’s role in Afghanistan from 2003 to 2014 and beyond. Though 151 Canadians were killed in combat, the Canadian military played a … 200 View

Canada is Not Back

How Justin Trudeau is in over his head on foreign policy

The election in October 2015 of the Justin Trudeau government was widely considered to herald a new approach to foreign affairs for Canada. Trudeau had campaigned as a staunch advocate for a … 208 View

Canada Since 1960: A People’s History

A Left Perspective on 50 Years of Politics, Economics and Culture

When Winnipeg's Cy Gonick started the magazine Canadian Dimension in 1963 to provide a home for the thinking and analysis of mostly young leftists engaged in Canadian economic, social, … 576 View

Canada Vs California

How Ottawa took on Netflix and the streaming giants

Canada vs California provides a road map of the tense battle between Canadian content and California’s billion dollar businesses that threaten to drown it out. Howard Law’s Canada vs. … 232 View

Canada’s Courts

A Social Scientists Ground-Breaking Account of the Canadian Judicial System

A unique discussion of the judicial system in Canada, this is the first book on the court system to be written from a social science, rather than a legal, perspective. McCormick analyzes which … 234 View

Canadian Culture in a Globalized World

The impact of trade deals on Canada's cultural life

Since the first trade deal with the US in 1984, Canada has insisted on a "cultural exemption" to ensure that governments were free to protect Canadian culture and to restrict foreign … 256 View