Political Economy

Showing 1–16 of 62 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Bombardier Abroad

Patterns of Dispossession

In Bombardier Abroad, Thomas examines several cases of the Canadian aerospace giant’s work in the high-speed rail sector in South Africa, China/Tibet, and Israel/Palestine and argues that … 164 View

Free, Fair and Alive

The Insurgent Power of the Commons

From co-housing and agroecology to fisheries and open-source everything, people around the world are increasingly turning to ‘commoning’ to emancipate themselves from a predatory … 448 View

Mutual Aid

An Illuminated Factor of Evolution

One hundred years after his death, Peter Kropotkin is still one of the most inspirational figures of the anarchist movement. It is often forgotten that Kropotkin was also a world-renowned … ; ; ; ; ; ; 337 View

Private Affluence Public Austerity

Economic Crisis & Democratic Malaise in Canada

Examining Canadian political and economic developments of the twenty-first century, Private Affluence, Public Austerity provides a systematic analysis of the dynamics of Canadian politics in the … ; 159 View

The Socialist Challenge Today

Syriza, Sanders, Corbyn

In what direction should the left move in the 21st century? The so-called ‘Third Way’ lacked realism as well as imagination. The social democratic embrace of neoliberal globalization … ; 96 View

Bombardier, The Canadian State, And Dispossession

From: Bombardier Abroad

Bombardier, the Canadian State, and Canadian Identity -Theoretical Framework of This Research 20 $2.00 Add


From: Mutual Aid

In the Foreword, Ruth Kinna discuses Mutual Aid and Evolutionary Theory, Mutual Aid and Social Theory, and Evolution and Revolution. 14 $1.40 Add

From Social Democracy to Democratic Socialism

From: The Socialist Challenge Today

; 16 $1.60 Add


From: Free, Fair and Alive

In the introduction, the authors frame current modern challenges such as climate change and social inequity as issues that can be effectively addressed through a lens of the commons, which they … 9 $0.90 Add

The Neoliberal Chickens Come Home to Roost

From: Private Affluence Public Austerity

; 18 $1.80 Add

Commons and Commoning

From: Free, Fair and Alive

In the first chapter, the authors argue first that large-scale cooperation is possible for humans, and that commoning, our capacity to self-organize and help each other through creation of … 16 $1.60 Add

From Class to Party

From: The Socialist Challenge Today

; 10 $1.00 Add


From: Mutual Aid

In the Introduction, David Graeber and Andrej Grubačić examines the history of theories on social evolution, political theology, and the impact of Peter Kropotkin’s Mutal Aid had … ; 8 $0.80 Add

The China-Tibet Case

From: Bombardier Abroad

Historical Context of China-Tibet Relations – The Qinghai-Tibet Rail Project and Bombardier – Problmes with the Project – Canadian Activism, Bombardier’s Position, and … 38 $3.80 Add

Theories of Capitalist Crisis

From: Private Affluence Public Austerity

; 19 $1.90 Add

Mutual Aid among Animals

From: Mutual Aid

In Chapter I, Kropotkin looks at cooperation among animals across the animal kingdom and how their collective struggle for existence. The chapter explores topics including Mutual Aid as a law of … 21 $2.10 Add