Language Rights

Showing all 8 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

A Distinct Alien Race

The Untold Story of Franco-Americans - Industrialization, Immigration, Religious Strife

“The French number more than a million in the United States…. They are kept a distinct alien race, subject to the Pope in matters of religion and of politics. Soon…they will govern you, … 394 View

Songs Upon the Rivers

The Buried History of the French-Speaking Canadiens and Métis from the Great Lakes and the Mississippi across to the Pacific

“A major undertaking … a valuable contribution,” Canada’s History Long before the Davy Crocketts, the Daniel Boones and Jim Bridgers, the French had pushed far west and north establishing trade … ; ; 448 View

Introduction and Prologue

From: A Distinct Alien Race

A personal introduction to the topic, some broad context and history, and some definitions. 28 $2.80 Add

Mediating Diversity: Identity, Language, and Protest in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

From: Managing Diversity

Activists involved in campaigns for minority-language television services in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales regarded the creation of such services as mechanisms whereby a number of key processes … 28 $3.36 Add

The 1968 Thinkers’ Conference and the Birth of Canadian Multiculturalism

From: 1968 in Canada

From 13 to 15 December 1968, a meeting took place in Toronto that should be considered among the most important contributions to the birth of Canadian multiculturalism: the Thinkers’ … 29 $2.90 Add


A Turning Point for Language in Canada and Quebec

From: 1968 in Canada

One of the many ways that 1968 was a crucial moment in Canadian history is in the area of language policy. In January 1968, René Lévesque published his manifesto Option Québec; a … 20 $2.00 Add

Franco-Americans and Americanism

SECTION THREE - The reception of franco-americans

From: A Distinct Alien Race

This chapter looks at Anglo-Protestant culture in the U.S. and the culture of Franco-Americans, and the tensions that emerged as Franco-Americans denied assimilation. The author argues that the … 19 $1.90 Add

Fears of Franco-American Conspiracy

SECTION THREE - The reception of franco-americans

From: A Distinct Alien Race

In the twenty years before 1900, a segment of the U.S. press presented the view that the Québec Roman Catholic hierarchy conspired to conquer New England. The Franco-American workers, this … 35 $3.50 Add