Media & the Law

Showing 1–16 of 51 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

About Canada: Media

Canada enjoys a long-held reputation for producing high-quality media, from National Film Board documentaries to the CBC to children’s programming. But in recent years, funding cuts, … 176 View

Canada Vs California

How Ottawa took on Netflix and the streaming giants

Canada vs California provides a road map of the tense battle between Canadian content and California’s billion dollar businesses that threaten to drown it out. Howard Law’s Canada vs. … 232 View

Fundamental Law for Journalists

Journalists will come across many arcane and sometimes obtuse legal concepts in the course of their work. Law is not an intuitive thing. It has developed over a millennium, and its basic rules … 232 View

Guthrie’s Guide to Better Legal Writing, 2nd Edition

Lawyers like to think they are good writers. Their non-lawyer readers are more likely to describe their writing as turgid, pedantic, Latin-filled, jargon-ridden, misspelt, ungrammatical, and … 299 View

The Great Canadian Art Fraud Case

The Group of Seven & Tom Thomson Forgeries

In May 2016, Jon S. Dellandrea came into possession of a box of the last effects of an obscure artist, William Firth MacGregor. The contents of the box chronicled a major, and long forgotten, … 192 View

A Crisis of Quality

From: About Canada: Media

11 $1.10 Add

Cast of Characters & Introduction

From: The Great Canadian Art Fraud Case

Introduction by the author and a list people involved throughout the book. 15 $1.50 Add

Get Writing!

Introduction, So What Should I Write About, Get to the Point, Word Choice, Email and Other Correspondence, What Should it Look Like, Navigating Social Media, And Finally, The Importance of Editing and Proofreading

From: Guthrie's Guide to Better Legal Writing, 2nd Edition

Advice for Associate and Students, Some Guidance for the Reluctant Legal Blogger, Think of Your Reader, Keep Your Cultural References Current and Universal, Plagiarism, Catchy Headlines and … 73 $7.30 Add


From: Canada Vs California

This chapter introduces the concept of this book and why a book covering the political showdown of Bill C-11 is relevant and important. This chapter lays the ground work of the Bill’s … 8 $0.80 Add


From: Fundamental Law for Journalists

5 $0.50 Add

Chapter 1 : The Box

Part One: An Art History Mystery

From: The Great Canadian Art Fraud Case

The author details the start of his research by finding a box with papers, notebooks, poems, and essay once belonging to one of the main subjects and artists of the book, William Firth MacGregor. 14 $1.40 Add

Chapter 1: Before the Online Streaming Act: How Canada "Regulates” Its Broadcasting System

From: Canada Vs California

In this Chapter author Howard Law provides a primer on how Canada has regulated its broadcasting system for the last several decades as well as the three amendments to this act over this period … 19 $1.90 Add

Forms, Styles and Genres

From: About Canada: Media

43 $4.30 Add

The Basics: The Origins of Law

From: Fundamental Law for Journalists

Chapter One provides a brief overview for understanding where the law comes from and breaks down the sources of these laws. Topics discussed include Indigenous law and government, the Indian Act, … 13 $1.30 Add

Words Used and Abused

Introduction, Misuse, Words that Don't (or May Not) Mean What Your Think They Do, MIscellaneous Things That Annoy Me, Terms for Lawyers, French

From: Guthrie's Guide to Better Legal Writing, 2nd Edition

Gruesome Twosomes, That and Which, Waffle, Awful Lawerisms aka Legalese, However, Said Same Such, Shall Will Should Would May Might Must, And/Or, And, Or, Only, the Lonely, Who and Whom, All Well … 93 $9.30 Add

Chapter 2: “No Netflix Tax!” (1999–2019)

From: Canada Vs California

Chapter two shows the beginning of Canada’s thoughts on regulating internet broadcasting. Conservatives were notably against any idea of a "Netflix tax" or tax on internet based … 19 $1.90 Add