
Showing 1–16 of 87 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Beyond Criminology

Taking Harm Seriously

Beyond Criminology is an innovative, groundbreaking critique of conventional criminological approaches to social issues. The contributors make a broad analysis of social harm by examining the … ; ; 342 View

Disorderly People

Law and the Politics of Exclusion in Ontario

The Ontario Safe Streets Act is the first modern provincial law to prohibit a wide range of begging and squeegee work in public space. This Act is representative of a much wider set of reforms … ; 121 View

Everyday Evil

Why Our World Is the Way It Is

Instead of the epic, alien force of our imagination, anthropologist Monique Layton argues that evil is intrinsic to our humanity, constantly evolving with modern notions of morality. Much of the … 270 View

Inside the Montreal Mafia

The Confessions of Andrew Scoppa

A groundbreaking, exclusive inside look at the North American Mafia and the Rizzuto family. For the first time in Canadian history, a high-ranking Mafioso agreed to break the code of omertà by … ; 240 View

Law of Sentencing

The Law of Sentencing by Allan Manson is intended to provide a summary of the legal principles and rules that shape the current process of sentencing in Canada. The book will appeal to seasoned … 433 View

Murder in Renfrew County

The predator who left three women dead- and the justice system that failed to stop him

The murder of three women in Ontario’s Renfrew County, and the inquest into violence against women that followed. The story of the murder of three women in Ontario’s Renfrew county by … 226 View


From: Law of Sentencing

Introduces the law of sentencing by discussing the scope of the criminal law and the roles of punishment and sentencing. 4 $0.40 Add


From: Beyond Criminology

; ; 10 $1.00 Add


From: Disorderly People

; 10 $1.00 Add

Introduction and a Note on Language

From: Murder in Renfrew County

Author Dean Beeby takes the reader through his thoughts while working at the CBC Parliamentary Bureau as the case broke. Dean reflects on the incompetence of the justice system and how it failed … 10 $1.00 Add


From: Everyday Evil

Preface 6 $0.60 Add


From: Inside the Montreal Mafia

The authors discuss the motivation behind this book and their personal experiences getting involved in this case. ; 4 $0.40 Add

"Are You Impressed?"

From: Inside the Montreal Mafia

The authors discuss their history with Andrew Scoppa and their interest in and knowledge of organized crime. Félix Séguin recounts his first meeting with Scoppa. ; 8 $0.80 Add

“Scruples of Conscience” and the Historic Peace Churches in the War of 1812

From: Worth Fighting For

Upper Canadian settlers in the Niagara region probably suffered greater effects from the land battles of the War of 1812 than citizens of any other region on the continent. Yet the many instances … 14 $1.40 Add

A Brief History of Punishment and Sentencing

From: Law of Sentencing

Provides a brief history of punishment, focusing on the birth of the penitentiary and the changing focus of punishment. A brief history of sentencing in Canada, specifically focusing on the … 26 $2.60 Add

Beyond Criminology?

From: Beyond Criminology

; 20 $2.00 Add