Federal vs Provincial

Showing 1–16 of 78 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Equal as Citizens

The tumultuous and troubled history of a great Canadian idea

No matter where they live, Canadians expect and receive equal benefits from their government when it comes to old age pensions, consular services when travelling abroad, and airline safety. … 312 View

Let’s Move On

Paul Okalik Speaks Out

Pangnirtung, where Paul Okalik was born, has survived starvation, epidemics, relocation, foreign language schooling, and confrontation with the Canadian justice system. That is what prompted Paul … ; 200 View

Rivals for Power: Ottawa and the Provinces

The contentious history of the Canadian federation

This book provides a history of Canadian federalism and describes the ongoing push and pull over power between Ottawa and the provinces. Ed Whitcomb offers an analysis of how the strengths and … 400 View

The Court and the Constitution

Leading Cases, 2nd Edition

The Court and The Constitution: Leading Cases, 2nd Edition is a revised and updated collection of edited decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada. These landmark rulings are organized to … ; ; ; 611 View


From: Equal as Citizens

Introduction outlines the process to be undertaken in the book and the reason for writing about eqality of citizenship in relation to Canada 11 $1.10 Add


From: The Court and the Constitution

Book introduction. ; ; ; 39 $3.90 Add


From: Rivals for Power: Ottawa and the Provinces

Provides an overview of the history of the Canadian federation outlining the difficulty that exists in separating provincial and federal responsibility. 8 $0.80 Add


From: Let's Move On

A Preface by Hon. Paul Aarulaaq Quassa, Premier of Nunavut, December 2017 5 $0.50 Add

British North America to 1864

From: Rivals for Power: Ottawa and the Provinces

Describes the legal and political factors in the emergence of the Canadian federation, covering the period from 1773 to 1864. 18 $1.80 Add

I Was Young, Stupid, and Full of Energy!

From: Let's Move On

Paul Okalik recounts his early life. 14 $1.40 Add

The Privy Council’s Legacy: Introduction

From: The Court and the Constitution

Introduction to the impact of decisions made by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ; ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

A Very Canadian Revolution:

The Transformation of Backroom Power in Canada's 1968

From: 1968 in Canada

Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the embodiment of Canada’s 1960s: young, hip, and impatient with the status quo, he bounded onto the political scene with fresh ideas and an image to match. Voters in … 17 $1.70 Add

I Was Thinking About Tomorrow

From: Let's Move On

The author continues to recount his early life and path towards university, detailing jobs and passions along the way. 10 $1.00 Add

Liquidators of the Maritime Bank of Canada v. Receiver General of New Brunswick, 1892

From: The Court and the Constitution

The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council ruled that under the British North America Act each province retained its independence and autonomy and was not subject to a central authority of the … ; ; ; 3 $0.30 Add

Towards Confederation, 1864–1867

From: Rivals for Power: Ottawa and the Provinces

Discusses the dynamics in the relationships between the various colonies, the United Kingdom’s government and relations with the United States from 1864 which produced the specific … 11 $1.10 Add

With Friends Like These …

From: Equal as Citizens

1890s-1914. Differences between provinces are explored. Maritimes want a cut of the taxes. Takes economics and taxation into account in the analysis 14 $1.40 Add