Death & Dying

Showing 1–16 of 35 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

From the Inside Looking Out

Competing Ideas about Growing Old 2nd Edition

In From The Inside Looking Out, Auger, Tedford-Litle and Wallace-Allen seek to overcome the “us” and “them” dichotomy that characterizes much of the literature on aging. … ; ; 219 View

Losing me, While Losing You

Caregivers Share Their Experiences of Supporting Friends and Family with Dementia

Losing Me, While Losing You is a long-needed resource to those providing care for people living with dementia — and for those providing care to the caregivers. In this book, caregivers … ; ; 224 View

Social Perspectives on Death and Dying

Third Edition

Death is inevitable, but our perspectives about death and dying are socially constructed. This updated third edition takes us through the maze of issues, both social and personal, which surround … 296 View


From: Social Perspectives on Death and Dying

1 $0.10 Add


From: From the Inside Looking Out

How We Conducted Our Survey ; ; 14 $1.40 Add


From: Losing me, While Losing You

This chapter contextualizes the book by providing historical and demographic details about dementia. ; ; 13 $1.30 Add


From: Social Perspectives on Death and Dying

20 $2.00 Add


From: Losing me, While Losing You

In this chapter, caregivers share stories about noticing – or refusing to notice – the onset of a loved one’s dementia. Since stigma surrounds Alzheimer’s disease and … ; ; 54 $5.40 Add

Scientific Constructions of Old Age

From: From the Inside Looking Out

; ; 22 $2.20 Add


From: Losing me, While Losing You

This chapter concerns caregiver’s responses to their important one’s diagnosis, the impact becoming a full-time caregiver had on their own health and wellness, and the effect this had … ; ; 42 $4.20 Add

Theories of Aging and Their Practical Application

From: From the Inside Looking Out

; ; 45 $4.50 Add

Your Experiences and Perceptions of Death and Dying

From: Social Perspectives on Death and Dying

6 $0.60 Add

Assistance and Support

From: Losing me, While Losing You

In this chapter, caregivers discuss their sources of assistance and support as they embarked on their shared journey of caring for loved ones with dementia. While some had family nearby, others … ; ; 28 $2.80 Add

Key Concepts in the Maze of Death and Dying

From: Social Perspectives on Death and Dying

15 $1.50 Add

Old Age by Whose Definition?

From: From the Inside Looking Out

Social Constructions of Old Age ; ; 31 $3.10 Add

Historical Attitudes Towards Death and Dying

From: Social Perspectives on Death and Dying

19 $1.90 Add