
Showing 1–16 of 22 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Care and Consequences

The Impact of Health Care Reform

Over the past decade health care in Canada has shifted from a cure-care model to a business model. Disguised behind talk of community, care closer to home, consumer choice, patient rights, … 325 View


Health Care Reform and its Impact on Canadian Women

From: Care and Consequences

10 $1.10 Add


Doctors in denial: welcome to the comfort zone

From: Doctors in Denial

Provides an overview of the medical industry in Canada paying particular attention to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Outlines and examines critically the different opinions … 14 $1.40 Add

Taking Care of the Bottom Line

Shifting Paradigms in Hospital Management

From: Care and Consequences

24 $2.64 Add

Medicine and industry

a marriage of convenience or a marriage made in heaven?

From: Doctors in Denial

Outlines how the alliance between the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community developed; economics, Medicare and patents were factors. 15 $1.50 Add

Professional Fault Lines

Nursing in Ontario after the Regulated Health Professions Act

From: Care and Consequences

; 23 $2.53 Add

Nova Scotia Nurses and Health Care Restructuring

Strategies to Manage Job Displacement

From: Care and Consequences

; 13 $1.43 Add

“They Don’t Listen to Your Body”

Minority Women, Nurses and Childbirth under Health Reform

From: Care and Consequences

22 $2.42 Add

Medical journals — advertisements, money, regulation, rebellion and possibly retrenchment

From: Doctors in Denial

Discusses the relationship between medical journals and the pharmaceutical industry. Discusses the push back of medical journals towards the pharmaceutical industry in more recent years and … 37 $3.70 Add

Academic health science centres

research, money, controversies, conflict of interest and independence

From: Doctors in Denial

Describes and analyzes the money received by academic health science centres from the pharmaceutical industry for research and the conflicts that this money may create. 32 $3.20 Add

Obsuring a Crisis

The Obstetricians' and Gynecologists' Job Action and Maternal Care in Alberta

From: Care and Consequences

20 $2.20 Add

Dissolving, Dividing, Distressing

Examining Cutbacks to Programs Responding to Sexual Violation

From: Care and Consequences

27 $2.97 Add


Regulatory Capture and the Disabling of Drug Safety at Health Canada

From: Corporate Rules

In this chapter, Michèle Brill-Edwards provides a behind-the-scenes look at how the Canadian government has quietly disabled the safety system for drugs in Canada. The Food and Drugs Act … 23 $2.30 Add

Pharmaceutical Companies

Relationship Between the Canadian Government and Big Pharma — “Clientele Pluralism”

From: Corporate Rules

In this chapter, Joel Lexchin examines the pharmaceutical industry and “clientele pluralism. “ Lexchin argues that the pharmaceutical industry can drive regulation by influencing not … 20 $2.00 Add

The New Wageless Worker

Volunteering and Market-Guided Health Care Reform

From: Care and Consequences

23 $2.53 Add

Home Care Before and After Reform

A Comparative Analysis of Two Texas-in-Action

From: Care and Consequences

22 $2.42 Add