National Economic Well-being

Showing all 4 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

The Age of Increasing Inequality

The Astonishing Rise of Canada's 1%

For 35 years, Canada has become vastly wealthier, but most people have not. This book documents the dramatic and rapid growth in inequality. It identifies the causes. It proposes meaningful steps … 248 View


From: The Age of Increasing Inequality

The history of economic inequality in Canada and briefly touches on the other forms of inequality that exist in Canada which would persist even if economic inequality was eliminated. Briefly … 18 $1.80 Add

Inequality of Wealth

From: The Age of Increasing Inequality

The inequality of wealth in Canada is far greater than the inequality of incomes — Canada’s top 40 families own more than the bottom 40% (6,186,000 households) do. For middle class … 23 $2.30 Add

What to Do?

From: The Age of Increasing Inequality

Policy proposals to address increasing inequality in Canada. A Carbon Fee and Dividend could both reduce cardon diozide emissions and lessen inequality. As robots increasingly make the robots … 30 $3.00 Add