Labour Movement

Showing 1–16 of 81 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

A New Kind of Union

Unifor and the birth of the modern Canadian union

This book describes the unique process by which the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) decided not just to merge but to create … 256 View

Labour Under Attack

Anti-Unionism in Canada

This multi-disciplinary edited collection critically examines the causes and effects of anti-unionism in Canada. Primarily through a series of case studies, the book’s contributors document … ; 150 View

The Canadian Labour Movement: A Short History

Third Edition

In The Canadian Labour Movement, historian Craig Heron tells the story of Canada’s workers from the mid-nineteenth century through to today, painting a vivid picture of key developments … 252 View

The Point is To Change the World

Selected Writings of Andaiye

Radical activist, thinker, and comrade of Walter Rodney, Andaiye was one of the Caribbean’s most important political voices. For the first time, her writings are published in one collection. … ; 320 View

Winnipeg 1919

The Strikers' Own History of the Winnipeg General Strike

On May 15, 1919 workers from across Winnipeg, ranging from metal workers to telephone operators, united to spark the largest worker revolt in Canadian history. Even the Winnipeg police voted to … 340 View

An Introduction to Anti-Unionism in Canada

From: Labour Under Attack

; 16 $1.60 Add


From: A New Kind of Union

Jerry Dias, president of Unifor, overviews why Unifor is an important institution in Canadian labour and briefly documents his experience in its foundation. 4 $0.40 Add


From: The Point is To Change the World

This reading consists of the following forewords: Andaiye’s Radical Imagination—with Special Reference to Her Engagement with the Working People’s Alliance (Clem Seecharan) … ; 32 $3.20 Add

Introduction to the Third Edition

From: Winnipeg 1919

Christo Aivalis provides a summary of the role Winnipeg 1919 has played since the publication of its first edition in 1973, as well how the events of the strike shaped to Canadian labour movement … 14 $1.40 Add

A Crisis of Representation

From: Labour Under Attack

Anti-Unionism, Media and Popular Culture 16 $1.60 Add