
Showing 1–16 of 121 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Animals and the Law

Animals and the Law examines the unique role that animals play as living property in a legal system conceived by and for human beings. On the one hand, animals are things that we buy, eat, and … 323 View

Beverley McLachlin

The Legacy of a Supreme Court Chief Justice

As a judge, Beverley McLachlin has had an unequalled impact on Canadian life. She stands out for her unique ability to stand up for the values and beliefs that reflect the best of Canada and … ; 232 View

Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age 2/e

Law, Ethics, and Practice

Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age examines the ramifications of technology for courts, judges, and the administration of justice. It sets out the issues raised by technology, and, … 209 View

Ethics and Criminal Law, 2/e

Ethics and Criminal Law is a comprehensive survey of the ethical issues facing criminal lawyers. Topics covered include: defending a client known to be guilty; choosing and refusing clients; … ; 753 View

Honest Politics Now

What ethical conduct means in Canadian Public Life

Using high-profile political scandals as case studies, this book explores the standards of accountability to which Canadian politicians are now being held. This is the definitive up to date book … 392 View

Information and Privacy Law in Canada

In our relationships with every part of government, with companies that provide the goods and services we use, and with other members of society in our personal and working lives, accessing … 564 View

Protecting Research Confidentiality

What happens when law and ethics collide

Lawyers and their clients can talk in complete confidence, secure that the law protects what they say from being revealed to anyone. Priests can hear confessions with reasonable certainty that no … ; 432 View

Why Good Lawyers Matter

Lawyers occupy a unique place in society. They are loved by some, distrusted or hated by others. More often than not, our perception of lawyers is shaped by the way the profession is portrayed in … ; ; 229 View


From: Animals and the Law

Overview of the general nature of problems faced by people seeking legal consideration of animals’ interests. 11 $1.10 Add


From: Ethics and Criminal Law, 2/e

Overview of sources of principles and standards to guide lawyers in conducting a morally sound practice of criminal law. ; 14 $1.40 Add


From: Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age 2/e

Guidance to judges, litigants and lawyers regarding practical, legal and ethical issues of privacy in the context of technological advances regarding access to digital information. 16 $1.60 Add


From: Beverley McLachlin

An introduction to the book. An brief overview of what the book covers. ; 6 $0.60 Add


An introduction to the book. An brief overview of what the book covers. ; 6 $0.60 Add


From: Protecting Research Confidentiality

Provides an overivew of the topic of Research Confidentiality and the problem that academic researchers are not protected by law when it comes to assuring confidentiality to their participants, … 7 $0.70 Add


From: Information and Privacy Law in Canada

2 $0.20 Add

Preface to the New Edition

From: Honest Politics Now

Discusses ethics in politics and the effects of various forms of political corruption on democracy. 8 $0.80 Add