Structural Violence

Showing 1–16 of 21 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Killing the Wittigo

Indigenous Culture-Based Approaches to Waking Up, Taking Actions, and Doing the Work of Healing

Written specifically for young adults, reluctant readers, and literacy learners, Killing the Wittigo explains the traumatic effects of colonization on Indigenous people and communities and how … 271 View

Warrior Life

Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence

In a moment where unlawful pipelines are built on Indigenous territories, the RCMP make illegal arrests of land defenders on unceded lands, and anti-Indigenous racism permeates on social media; … 288 View


From: Warrior Life

In the Foreword, Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair breaks down the differences between the English meaning of a warrior and in Anishinaabemowin, and examines the implications of those differences for … 3 $0.30 Add


New Governors, Same Colonialism

From: Warrior Life

The Introduction of Warrior Life succinctly articulates the damage done to First Nations peoples in Canada through the process of colonization by the Canadian government, and outlines how that … 6 $0.60 Add

Terror, Anger, Grief, Loss

From: Killing the Wittigo

In the first chapter, Methot categorizes the traumatic implications of oppressive colonial tactics into historic trauma, impacts on 1st generation, intergenerational impacts, and continued … 26 $2.60 Add

Identity and Control

From: Killing the Wittigo

In this chapter, Methot discusses the process of forming one’s own identity, particularly how colonialism and racist rhetoric impacts this process for young indigenous people. She offers a … 20 $2.00 Add

Politics and Promises

From: Warrior Life

Section one, Politics and Promises, is a collection of writings in response to and in critique of headlines about political events related to Indigenous peoples in Canada, including some … 45 $4.50 Add

Isolation, Disconnection, Reconnection

From: Killing the Wittigo

In this chapter, Methot describes the extinct to isolate and dissociate after experiencing trauma, and what this behaviour can look like. She provides advice for how to reconnect with yourself, … 26 $2.60 Add

Racism Kills

From: Warrior Life

Section two, Racism Kills, responds to headlines about the high costs of racism in terms of Indigenous lives through collected articles and blog posts by Palmater. She covers topics related to … 50 $5.00 Add

Lateral Violence

From: Killing the Wittigo

In this chapter, Methot explains how the violence of colonialism caused intergenerational trauma that results in violence within indigenous families and communities. Methot describes this cycle … 28 $2.80 Add

Sexualized Genocide

From: Warrior Life

Section three, Sexualized Genocide, contains Palmater’s articles and blog posts in response to headlines about missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, including how resource … 54 $5.40 Add

Canada is an Outlaw

From: Warrior Life

Section four, Canada is an Outlaw, is a collection of articles and blog posts by Palmater in response to headlines about how Bill C-92 fails to protect Indigenous child welfare, lack of … 52 $5.20 Add

Families and Relationships

From: Killing the Wittigo

In this chapter, Methot discusses how colonialism and residential schools continue to create hardhships for indigenous communities. Methot provides a guide to navigate difficult emotions, … 38 $3.80 Add

Oppression and the Health of Indigenous Peoples

From: Oppression

This chapter explores how systemic colonial and racial violence, oppression, and stress have impacted the health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples. 15 $1.50 Add

Dis-Ease and Self-Care

From: Killing the Wittigo

In this chapter, Methot discusses how the stress, abuse, and trauma brought on by residential schoos relate ton the mental-illness, disease, and pain within indigenous communities. 28 $2.80 Add

Reconciliation is a Lie, Resistance is Hope

From: Warrior Life

Section five, Reconciliation is a Lie, Resistance is Hope is a collection of articles and blog posts by Palmater in response to headlines about reconciliation, abolishing the Indian Act as a way … 59 $5.90 Add