Emigration, Immigration & Migration

Showing 1–16 of 72 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

About Canada: Immigration

Many Canadians believe that immigrants steal jobs away from qualified Canadians, abuse the healthcare system and refuse to participate in Canadian culture. In About Canada: Immigration, Gogia and … ; 144 View

From Bombs to Books

The remarkable stories of refugee children and their families at two exceptional Canadian schools

This book chronicles how schools in Canada can #&8212; and do — play a positive role in the day-to-day lives of refugee families. Written by a principal who has worked at of two of the … 232 View

Immigration Law, 2/e

Canadian immigration and citizenship law has been subject to frequent and seemingly frenzied revision and reformulation by the government of the day as it attempts to identify the country’s … ; 769 View

Refugee Law 2/e

Refugee Law is a concise account of Canadian refugee law, policy, and procedure. It presents refugee law as an independent system, yet one that is open to and influenced by other branches of … ; 609 View

The Global Refugee Crisis: How Should We Respond?

The Munk Debates

The world is facing the worst humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. Over 300,000 are dead in Syria, and one and half million are either injured or disabled. Four and a half million … ; ; ; ; 114 View

Canadian Refugee Policy

From: Refugee Law 2/e

This chapter offers an overview of the history of Canadian immigration and refugee policy. This provides a useful context for the analysis of Canada’s current and future policies. ; 40 $4.00 Add


Immigration: A Critical Analysis

From: About Canada: Immigration

; 9 $1.17 Add


From: Immigration Law, 2/e

Overview for those who want to investigate the mechanics of Canada’s immigration regime and for those who want to access, critique or question the aims and impacts of the law. ; 2 $0.20 Add

The Global Refugee Crisis: How Should We Respond?

From: The Global Refugee Crisis: How Should We Respond?

This reading consists of a transcript of the Munk Debate on the Global Refugee Crisis. The resolution being debated is "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to break … ; ; ; ; 45 $5.40 Add

Where Does Hope Come From?

From: From Bombs to Books

Ziad Abo Nofel writes a brief account of growing up in Iraq, the American invasion and moving to a refugee camp between Iraq and Syria for six years before finally moving to Canada. 4 $0.40 Add


From: From Bombs to Books

A profile of Elaha Anwary, an Afghan refugee, who won the Grade 7 public speaking competition for her BC school by sharing her story. 5 $0.50 Add

Legal Framework of Refugee Law in Canada

From: Refugee Law 2/e

This chapter explores the legal structure of Canadian refugee law, including the constitutional, statutory, regulatory, and policy framework that governs refugee decision making. The chapter also … ; 46 $4.60 Add

Mark Steyn in Conversation with Rudyard Griffiths

From: The Global Refugee Crisis: How Should We Respond?

This reading consists of an interview between journalist Rudyard Griffiths and author Mark Steyn prior to the Munk Debate on the Global Refugee Crisis. The topic is the West’s response to … ; 7 $0.84 Add

The Evolution of Canadian Immigration Law

From: Immigration Law, 2/e

Examination of the historical development of immigration law. ; 29 $2.90 Add

The Evolution of Immigration Policy

Learning About the Past to Understand the Present

From: About Canada: Immigration

; 22 $2.86 Add

Categories of Status in Canadian Refugee Law

From: Refugee Law 2/e

This chapter examines the categories established in and relevant to the operation of Canadian refugee (and, more broadly, immigration) law. The legislation distinguishes three broad categories of … ; 52 $5.20 Add