Family & Relationships 

Showing all 12 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Losing me, While Losing You

Caregivers Share Their Experiences of Supporting Friends and Family with Dementia

Losing Me, While Losing You is a long-needed resource to those providing care for people living with dementia — and for those providing care to the caregivers. In this book, caregivers … ; ; 224 View


From: Losing me, While Losing You

This chapter contextualizes the book by providing historical and demographic details about dementia. ; ; 13 $1.30 Add


From: Losing me, While Losing You

In this chapter, caregivers share stories about noticing – or refusing to notice – the onset of a loved one’s dementia. Since stigma surrounds Alzheimer’s disease and … ; ; 54 $5.40 Add


From: Losing me, While Losing You

This chapter concerns caregiver’s responses to their important one’s diagnosis, the impact becoming a full-time caregiver had on their own health and wellness, and the effect this had … ; ; 42 $4.20 Add

Assistance and Support

From: Losing me, While Losing You

In this chapter, caregivers discuss their sources of assistance and support as they embarked on their shared journey of caring for loved ones with dementia. While some had family nearby, others … ; ; 28 $2.80 Add

Observations and Recommendations

From: Losing me, While Losing You

In this chapter, the editors ask caregivers to identify whether or not their experiences as a caregiver had affected how they feel about themselves. They also ask what recommendations they would … ; ; 25 $2.50 Add

Closing the Gap

From: Losing me, While Losing You

In this chapter, the editors of the volume explore ways in which “gaps” are being addressed in the field of dementia care. ; ; 38 $3.80 Add

Losing Me

From: Losing me, While Losing You

This chapter explores how caregivers lose some of themselves through the loss of their loved ones to dementia. ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

Hungry for Possibilities

Too Many Beloved Dead, Too Few Elders

From: The Care We Dream Of

In this essay, the author details her dreams of something different. These dreams are not just for herself, but for every queer and trans person lucky enough to get old, for the communities she … 25 $2.50 Add

The Emancipatory Potential of Aging

Interview with Hannah Kia

From: The Care We Dream Of

The author interviews Hannah Kia, PhD, RCSW, an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Social Work in Vancouver, BC, whose research centres on LGBTQ/2+ aging … 10 $1.00 Add

Libera me

From: The Care We Dream Of

The author presents a fictionalized account of a dying queer man, his brief, bright, sojourn in hospital, and his death via medical assistance in dying, surrounded by his community of friends. 6 $0.60 Add

Put Me in the Living Room and Cover Me with Flowers

Queering Death

From: The Care We Dream Of

In this account of her mother’s death, the author elaborated on the do-it-yourself attitude she brought to queering her grief, and also the the healing relationship she developed with death … 20 $2.00 Add