Fair Trade

Showing 1–16 of 40 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Fixing Fashion

Remaking the Way We Make, Market, and Buy Our Clothes

With sales of more than US $500 billion a year, the fashion industry is one of the most important sectors of the global economy, employing millions of men, women, and often children in the … 242 View

Growing and Eating Sustainably

Agroecology in Action

Growing and Eating Sustainably shines light on the process of agroecological transition by showcasing the experiences of growers and eaters in southern Brazil, a country where agrarian movements … 137 View

The Fair Trade Handbook

Building a Better World, Together

Framed within the common goal of advancing trade justice and South-North solidarity, The Fair Trade Handbook presents a broad interpretation of fair trade and a wide-ranging dialogue between … ; ; 240 View


From: Fixing Fashion

The foreword begins with a short history of the textile industry in the UK before looking to the ways the textile industry is still exploiting people, especially children around the world, … 3 $0.30 Add

Preface, Forward

From: Growing and Eating Sustainably

The preface maintains this book is for people who want to learn about agroecology — about the concepts, themes, key writings, and grassroots struggles from which it has emerged to become an … 4 $0.40 Add

Why Write a Book on Fair Trade?

From: The Fair Trade Handbook

In the introductory chapter, the editors describe the genesis of the book, its goals, and its structure. ; ; 7 $0.70 Add

A Lively Bean that Brightens Lives

From: The Fair Trade Handbook

This illustrated chapter tells the story of Ethiopian coffee in comicbook form. 13 $1.30 Add

Introducing Agroecology and Food Systems Transitions

From: Growing and Eating Sustainably

This chapter outlines the critical food supply issues associated with Covid-19 that made headlines daily across the globe and highlighted the vulnerabilities of the modern food system. The … 12 $1.20 Add


From: Fixing Fashion

The introduction begins with a look at the author’s early career in the fashion industry, particularly, the international sourcing of Hanes brand clothing. The author introduces some key … 10 $1.00 Add


How Unfair Trade Changed the World

From: The Fair Trade Handbook

This chapter provides a short history of colonialism, and describes how the economic benefits of colonialism flowed from the colonized to the colonizers, especially through a process of resource … 10 $1.00 Add

Manchester to Mumbai

From: Fixing Fashion

In Manchester to Mumbai, the author explains his path to the fashion industry before delving into the following topics: the roots of global trade; labor, guilds and slavery; the India trade and … 22 $2.20 Add

The Industrial Food System: Contradictions and Crises

From: Growing and Eating Sustainably

This chapter looks at the industrial food system — its origins and the problems it generates — which casts yet more doubt on the conventional wisdom that industrial agriculture is the … 12 $1.20 Add

To Make and Market

From: Fixing Fashion

In To Make and Market, the author explains the clothing production and marketing processes through his experiences. He covers the following topics: structuring of large corporations such as Sara … 41 $4.10 Add

Trade Is Not Gender Neutral

From: The Fair Trade Handbook

In this chapter, the authors describe the ways in which inequality is related to the uneven ways in which women and men are incorporated into the global economy. Some trade can place women-run … 10 $1.00 Add

Where Does Agroecological Food Come From

From: Growing and Eating Sustainably

This chapter begins by considering food produced by the industrial food system that has been called “food from nowhere". In contrast, agroecological food comes from … 38 $3.80 Add

Alphabet Soup

From: Fixing Fashion

In Alphabet Soup, the author begins to examine his process of engaging with the darkers aspects of the global fashion industry, such as child labor, global trade agreements and their impacts, … 36 $3.60 Add