Health Care

Showing 1–16 of 54 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

About Canada: Health & Illness 2nd Edition

Most Canadians believe that their experiences of health and illness are shaped by genetics, medical care and lifestyle choices. Governments, the media and disease associations reinforce this … 192 View

Care and Consequences

The Impact of Health Care Reform

Over the past decade health care in Canada has shifted from a cure-care model to a business model. Disguised behind talk of community, care closer to home, consumer choice, patient rights, … 325 View

Doctors in Denial

Why Big Pharma and the Canadian Medical Profession are Too Close for Comfort

Examines the relationship between the Canadian medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry, and explains how doctors have become dependents of the drug companies instead of champions of … 344 View

Spin Doctors

How Media and Politicians Misdiagnosed the Covid-19 Pandemic

As Canada was in the grips of the worst pandemic in a century, Canadian media struggled to tell the story. Newsrooms, already run on threadbare budgets, struggled to make broader connections that … 417 View


Health Care Reform and its Impact on Canadian Women

From: Care and Consequences

10 $1.10 Add


From: The Killer's Henchman

The author explores the global reaction to and handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. 7 $0.70 Add

Who Stays Healthy? Who Gets Sick?

From: About Canada: Health & Illness 2nd Edition

25 $2.50 Add

Chapter 1: The Killer

From: The Killer's Henchman

The author discusses Covid-19 and its science, the measures put in place to stop it, some pandemic history and science, pandemic risks, globalization, lab-manipulated viruses (PPP research) and … 29 $2.90 Add


Doctors in denial: welcome to the comfort zone

From: Doctors in Denial

Provides an overview of the medical industry in Canada paying particular attention to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Outlines and examines critically the different opinions … 14 $1.40 Add

Living Conditions, Stress and the Human Body

From: About Canada: Health & Illness 2nd Edition

21 $2.10 Add

Taking Care of the Bottom Line

Shifting Paradigms in Hospital Management

From: Care and Consequences

24 $2.64 Add

Chapter 2: The Response

From: The Killer's Henchman

The author discusses the response to Covid-19 with particularly attention to the United States and China. Topics include vaccines, public health and social measures, the approaches of countries … 36 $3.60 Add

Income, Education and Work

From: About Canada: Health & Illness 2nd Edition

25 $2.50 Add

Professional Fault Lines

Nursing in Ontario after the Regulated Health Professions Act

From: Care and Consequences

; 23 $2.53 Add

Chapter 3: The Capitalists’ State

From: The Killer's Henchman

This chapter asks who it is that made the decisions on how to respond to the pandemic (if to respond at all) and what their interests are. The author explores the domination of governments around … 35 $3.50 Add

Early Child Development, Food Security and Housing

From: About Canada: Health & Illness 2nd Edition

20 $2.00 Add