Jamie Chai Yun Liew
Showing 1–16 of 20 results
Title & Subtitle | Abstract | Contributors | Pages | Year | Purchase |
Immigration Law, 2/e |
Canadian immigration and citizenship law has been subject to frequent and seemingly frenzied revision and reformulation by the government of the day as it attempts to identify the country’s … | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 769 | 2015 | View |
From PrefaceFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Overview for those who want to investigate the mechanics of Canada’s immigration regime and for those who want to access, critique or question the aims and impacts of the law. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 2 | 2015 | $0.20 Add |
From The Evolution of Canadian Immigration LawFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the historical development of immigration law. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 29 | 2015 | $2.90 Add |
From Sources of Immigration LawFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the legal sources that circumscribe the boundaries of authority of officials within the immigration system. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 43 | 2015 | $4.30 Add |
From Status in CanadaFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the basic architecture of Canadian immigration law based on its attribution of status to every living person as either a foreign national, permanent resident, or citizen. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 11 | 2015 | $1.10 Add |
From Temporary Status in CanadaFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the legal framework defining the process to obtain and retain temporary resident status. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 44 | 2015 | $4.40 Add |
From Acquiring Permanent Resident StatusThe Economic Classes From: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the process to obtain permanent resident status based on the ability to become economically established in Canada. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 45 | 2015 | $4.50 Add |
From Acquiring Permanent Resident StatusThe Family Class and Sponsorship From: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the process to obtain permanent resident status through sponsorship by close relatives who are citizens or permanent residents. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 50 | 2015 | $5.00 Add |
From A Brief Introduction to Canadian Refugee LawFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the principles underlying the process by which foreign nationals may acquire permanent resident status by establishing need of protection from conditions in their country of nationality. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 4 | 2015 | $0.40 Add |
From Acquiring Permanent StatusRefugee Resettlement From: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of Canada’s policies and practices of resettlement of refugee applicants from a country of refuge into Canada. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 16 | 2015 | $1.60 Add |
From The Refugee Determination Process in CanadaFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the process to determine whether a claimant qualifies as a refugee under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 55 | 2015 | $5.50 Add |
From Convention Refugees and Persons in Need of ProtectionFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the concepts of Convention refugees and persons in need of protection as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, including consideration of the availability of state … | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 62 | 2015 | $6.20 Add |
From Pre-removal Risk Assessments and RefoulementFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the process that prevents a Convention refugee or a protected person from being removed from Canada to a country where there is a risk of persecution, torture, death, or cruel and … | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 33 | 2015 | $3.30 Add |
From Applications Made on Humanitarian and Compassionate GroundsFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the process by which permanent resident status or a permanent resident visa may be granted to a foreign national who would otherwise not qualify by statute or regulation. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 43 | 2015 | $4.30 Add |
From Citizenship StatusFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Historical review of the development of Canadian citizenship law plus an examination of the criteria for obtaining citizenship, the rights and responsibilities that attach, and the processes by … | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 32 | 2015 | $3.20 Add |
From InadmissibilityFrom: Immigration Law, 2/e |
Examination of the criteria used to find a person inadmissible to Canada. | Donald Galloway; Jamie Chai Yun Liew | 61 | 2015 | $6.10 Add |