Paul Okalik

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Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Let’s Move On

Paul Okalik Speaks Out

Pangnirtung, where Paul Okalik was born, has survived starvation, epidemics, relocation, foreign language schooling, and confrontation with the Canadian justice system. That is what prompted Paul … ; 200 View


From: Let's Move On

A Preface by Hon. Paul Aarulaaq Quassa, Premier of Nunavut, December 2017 5 $0.50 Add

I Was Young, Stupid, and Full of Energy!

From: Let's Move On

Paul Okalik recounts his early life. 14 $1.40 Add

I Was Thinking About Tomorrow

From: Let's Move On

The author continues to recount his early life and path towards university, detailing jobs and passions along the way. 10 $1.00 Add

My Studies Made me a Proud Inuk

From: Let's Move On

Paul Okalik speaks about his studies and time at Carleton University, discussing the adversity and struggles he overcame and his interest in Law. He also comments on his issues with the Canadian … 8 $0.80 Add

We Had to Make the Government Work

From: Let's Move On

The author recounts his life after graduation in the field of law and later politics. He talks about the early days after being elected and the political decisions he made. 15 $1.50 Add

My Role Was to Lead and Make Things Work

From: Let's Move On

Okalik discusses his time in office after the creation of Nunavut in 1999, speking about the Bathurst mandate and various political decisions and his involvement in them. 8 $0.80 Add

You Have to be Decisive, and Act Quickly

From: Let's Move On

Okalik speaks about the difficulties of finding balance during his early days in office and expands on some of his and his government’s decisions surrounding decentralization, education, … 8 $0.80 Add

It’s Still Taking Us Too Long to Catch Up

From: Let's Move On

Okalik discusses language in terms of education, services, and legal documents. He also speaks about the importance of consulting elders, taking feedback, and his vision of Nunavut’s future … 9 $0.90 Add

I Don’t Just Sit There and Smile and Clap My Hands

From: Let's Move On

Okalik discusses the 2008 election, challenges and controversies faced by his administration, becoming a regular member of the Legislative Assembly and his view of the Aariak government, his … 8 $0.80 Add

Southern Canada Did Not Get Developed Without National Support

From: Let's Move On

Okalik discusses his experiences with colleagues from other territories and provinces as well as with Greenland. He speaks more about his policy decisions and the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. 12 $1.20 Add

We Used to Deal With Problems Right Away, and Move On

From: Let's Move On

Okalik speaks on his preferred methods for conflict resolution and the Inuit conflict resolution system. He critiques the Canadian justice system and touches on mental health response and needed … 7 $0.70 Add

Still Frozen in Time!

From: Let's Move On

Okalik describes his vision/ideals for progress in Nunavut. 9 $0.90 Add

Doing My Part to Contribute to Nunavut

From: Let's Move On

Okalik talks about the future of Nunavut and his commitment to helping the province to move forward and thrive. 5 $0.50 Add

I’m Out!

From: Let's Move On

Okalik critiques the state of Canadian politics/the liberal party, Inuit exclusion from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, and lack of support for Northern Canada, … 11 $1.10 Add


From: Let's Move On

3 $0.30 Add