Ending Homelessness in Canada

The Case for Homelessness Prevention


Homelessness is at critical levels. This book identifies the causes and offers ideas about what it will take to prevent Canadians from finding themselves without a roof over their head.

More Canadians than ever lack a home. Almost every town and city now has homeless residents. Municipalities scramble to provide shelters, and local politicians debate whether to take action to end sleeping on vacant land and in parks.

Ending Homelessness in Canada gets at the root causes of homelessness and the solutions and practices that can be employed to end it. Contributors involved in working to end homelessness address the key factors producing homelessness and describe a wide range of innovative measures to halt the flow.


James Hughes

JAMES HUGHES is the CEO of Montreal’s Old Brewery Mission, the largest organization serving homeless people in Quebec. His previous roles include serving as an executive with the McConnell Family Foundation, president of the Graham Boeckh Foundation, and deputy minister of the Department of Social Development in New Brunswick. His previous books include Early Intervention (Lorimer 2015) and Beyond Shelters (Lorimer 2018). He lives in Montreal, Quebec.

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
Editor James Hughes discuss the rapid increase of homelessness since the covid-19 pandemic. through this he outlines the need for a book of this type, to stop focusing on how to treatment …
; ; ; 30 $3.00
In this chapter, Katlin Schwan asks us to consider how financialization, specifically the financialization of housing is contributing to the homelessness epidemic. Increasing rental prices, the …
12 $1.20
Chapter Two discusses the pipeline for victims of intimate partner violence into homelessness. Author Pearl Eliadis discusses the lack of second stage housing, emergency housing, the need for …
15 $1.50
In this chapter, Art Campbell examines how incarceration leads to homelessness. By speaking with experts, using case studies and studying solutions he offers strategies to prevent this.
15 $1.50
in this chapter author Cécile Arbaud looks at the many factors that lead to youth becoming homeless. Youth in care, youth experiencing mental health crises and their complex factors provide …
17 $1.70
Chapter 5 tackles mental illness as it relates to homelessness. Examining the complex ways in which individuals with mental illness fall into homelessness and barriers that nonlinear or rational …
113 $11.30
George Ohana’s Chapter on shelters looks at how current shelters can adapt and evolves to offer solutions to end homelessness instead of just treating the symptoms. By looking at policy, …
13 $1.30
In Chapter 7 Marie McGregor Pitawanakwat offers an Indigenous perspective on homelessness, the concept of shelter, and the displacement from traditional lands that have exacerbated homelessness …
12 $1.20
Robert Byers’ Chapter 8 follows his story of creating Indigenous owned affordable housing. Through his company he has been able to provide Indigenous focused affordable housing for member …
10 $1.00
In chapter 9 Michale rice talk s about his decades of experience working within his community and along side others to transform the way reserves are run, turning them from dependant to …
17 $1.70
In the conclusion James Hughes reiterates the need for systemic change to prevent homelessness. In his word " preventing homelessness requires the implementation of a range of diverse system …
11 $1.10
This section contains the author’s acknowledgements, information about the contributors of this book, and the endnotes.
13 $1.30
a collection of relevant terms and concepts and where they appear in the text.
4 $0.40