Showing 1–16 of 149 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Cops, Crime and Capitalism

The Law-and-Order Agenda in Canada

Framed within a Marxist class analysis that highlights the way in which state power and capitalist social relations are racialized and gendered, Gordon’s study locates law and order … 175 View

Gay Marriage

The Story of a Canadian Social Revolution

A history of the fight for same-sex marriage in Canada. Few issues have dominated recent Canadian politics like the legalization of same-sex marriage. As a political correspondent for The … ; 312 View

In Their Own Voices

Building Urban Aboriginal Communities

In Their Own Voices is an examination of the urban Aboriginal experience, based on the voices of Aboriginal people. It is set in Winnipeg’s inner city, but has implications for urban Aboriginal … 189 View

Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation

Text-based Studies in Honour of Ingrid Meyer

This volume in honour of Ingrid Meyer is a tribute to her work in the interrelated fields of lexicography, terminology and translation. One key thing shared by these fields is that they all deal … 252 View

Living with Uncle

Canada-US Relations in an Age of Empire

Invaluable information on key issues for Canadians — energy, water, security and surveillance, military integration, social services Living With Uncle examines the new realities of … ; 280 View

Samuel Cunard

Nova Scotia's Master of the North Atlantic

An illustrated biography of a Canadian who sparked a world transportation revolution In North America, the name Cunard is synonymous with shipping. This book traces the entrepreneurial rise of … 112 View

Still Blaming Children

Youth Conduct and the Politics of Child Hating

The media-enhanced moral panic surrounding youth has continued unabated over the past two decades. Its form and substance varies, but the politics of blaming and exploiting children underlies it … 167 View

Suppression of the Erotic in Modern Hebrew Literature

Issues of sexuality, censorship, and self-censorship in the formation of national and cultural identities are a focus of great interest in contemporary literary research. This is the first work … 423 View

The Colour of Justice

Policing Race in Canada

The colour of justice in Canada is largely driven by stereotypical assumptions about crime and those who commit it. Over the last few years, the use of race, ethnicity, and religion as indicators … 275 View

Turning the World Right-Side Up

Science, Community and Democracy

The focus of this book is on the un-sustainability of the system that economists, in the name of science, have foisted upon society. Corporations and the economists who act as their apologists, … ; 240 View

We Were Not the Savages, Third Edition

Collison between European and Native American Civilizations

As a person of First Nation ancestry I cannot help but wonder if the failure of Caucasian Americans and Canadians to reveal and teach about the horrors their ancestors carried out against North … 416 View

Building a Path to a Better Future

Urban Aboriginal People

From: In Their Own Voices

29 $3.77 Add

Civilization, Democracy and Government

The Need for a Native American Historical Perspective

From: We Were Not the Savages, Third Edition

16 $1.12 Add

Crime, Justice, and the Condemnation and Exploitation of the Young

From: Still Blaming Children

16 $1.60 Add

Foreword by Hon. Martin Cauchon and Introduction by author

From: Gay Marriage

From the decriminalization of homosexuality, the charter of rights and freedoms, same-sex couple adoption and the fight for marriage eqality this briefly outlines the underlying history of the … ; 7 $0.70 Add


From: Living with Uncle

An overview of Canada-US relations highlited the 1988 FTA, 9/11, NAFTA and trying to achieve a goal of economic unions with the US ; 7 $0.70 Add