
Publication Year


ISBN: 9780776605517-19


A Communications, Technology, and Societal Memory: A Distinct Canadian Archival Voice in the Global Village

From: The Canadian Distinctiveness into the XXIst Century - La distinction canadienne au tournant du XXIe siecle


Archives are important to Canadian Studies in two ways: in the familiar sense as the primary source documents that underpin research about Canada in many disciplines and, in a less appreciated sense, as a focus of study themselves that can shed light on the Canadian character and ideal.



Terry Cook

Terry Cook is Visiting Professor in the Master's Programme in Archival Studies, Department of History, University of Manitoba, as well as an international archival consultant, freelance editor, and writer. He worked at the National Archives of Canada from 1975 to 1998 and was involved in initiating several influential national archives policies and strategies on regional records, appraisal, sampling, and electronic records. At the time of his departure, he was director responsible for the appraisal and disposal of government records in all media formats. A former general editor of Archivaria (1982-84), his writings have focused on archival theory in general, the historical evolution of records relating to the Canadian West and North, the history of archival ideas, and electronic records.