
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781552213827-04


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A Monkey in the Middle

Reflections on Darwin the Macaque and the (R)evolution of Wild Animals in Canadian Common Law

From: Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law


Exploration of how Canadian common law constructs the concept of wild animals, particularly from the viewpoint of exotic pets.



Mary J Shariff

Mary J Shariff (BSc, Winnipeg; LLB, Manitoba; LLM, Trinity College Dublin; PhD, Trinity College Dublin) is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba. She currently teaches Bioethics and Law and Contract Law in the JD program and Legal Research and Theory in the LLM program. She is a Research Affiliate of the Centre on Aging and the Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law, both at the University of Manitoba. Her principal area of research is bioethics and law, and her work includes research related to death, aging, palliative care, global bioethics, the environment, and animals. Her works have been published in the McGill Journal of Law and Health, Health Law in Canada and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. She is co-author of the 4th edition of Canadian Medical Law: An Introduction for Physicians, Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals (Carswell, 2013).