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ISBN: 9780776606514-06


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A New Northern Security Agenda

From: Borderlands


This chapter addresses the transformation of the security agenda, which has led to an integrating Arctic region where local agency influences broader issues and decisions.



Lassi Heininen

Prof. Heininen teaches and lectures regularly abroad and supervises MA and PhD students from Finland, Iceland, Russia and other Arctic countries. His research fields include IR, Geopolitics, Security Studies, Environmental Politics, Northern / Arctic Studies, and Political History.

Heather Nicol’s research is focused upon exploring the dynamics which structure the political geography of the circumpolar North, with a specific focus on the North American Arctic and Canada-US relations. Her work is focused upon cross-border relations, tensions, geopolitical narratives and mappings of power and sovereignty. She is currently exploring both the history of circumpolar geopolitics in relation to globalization and post-global world paradigms, and the related issue of the dynamic of the Arctic Council North American chairmanship, which began in Kiruna Sweden 2013, when Canada assumed the Chair, and which will continue to 2017, when the American Chairmanship concludes. Nicol is the 2015-16 Visiting Fulbright Chair to the University of Washington, at the Centre for Canadian Studies and the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies.