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ISBN: 9780865718654-08

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From: Uprooting Racism


I write about neoliberalism, the current stage of global capitalism. This is a system of power, wealth, and control by ruling elites currently centered in the US and Europe; neoliberals use exploitation, surveillance, and violence to maintain power. The neoliberal agenda of the US ruling class, beyond constantly working to concentrate more and more wealth and power in their own hands, is to roll back the 1930s gains of the working class and the 1950–70s gains in civil rights and access to education, voting rights, housing, and jobs won by African Americans, women, people with disabilities, people who are LGBTQ, and environmental activists.



Paul Kivel

Paul Kivel, social justice educator, activist, and writer, has been involved in racial justice work for over 50 years. He is an accomplished trainer and speaker on men’s issues, racism and diversity, challenges of youth, teen dating and family violence, raising boys to adulthood, and the impact of class and power on daily life. His work gives people the understanding to become involved in social justice work and the tools to become more effective allies in community struggles to end oppression and injustice and to transform organizations and institutions. Kivel is the author of numerous books and curricula including Men’s Work, Making the Peace, Helping Teens Stop Violence, Build Community, and Stand for Justice, Boys Will Be Men, I Can Make My World a Safer Place, You Call This a Democracy? and most recently Living in the Shadow of the Cross: Understanding and Resisting the Power and Privilege of Christian Hegemony. Kivel may be contacted via his resource-filled website: