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ISBN: 9781773631677

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Agriculture and the Generation Problem

Agrarian Changes and Peasant Studies


Despite predictions that they are destined to disappear, smallholder or family farms still number more than 500 million worldwide, and account for more than 90 percent of all the world’s farm units and 80 percent of the world’s food. However, the world over, smallholder farmer populations are ageing, and many of them have no successor. Some young rural men and women are turning away from farming in favour of more urban livelihoods, but others, who would like to farm, are confronted by the narrowing and sometimes complete closure of access to land, along with other barriers to their entry into farming. This points to the need for attention to the dynamics of intergenerational relations in rural communities.

In this unique exploration of relations between the generations in agrarian societies, Agriculture and the Generation Problem examines the dynamics of the transfer of agrarian resources and opportunities between the generations in rural communities, and argues that we must take generational relations seriously if we are to understand the future of farming and the fate of future generations in rural areas.


Ben White

Ben White is Professor Emeritus of Rural Sociology at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague. From 1997-2006 he was also Professor Extraordinary in Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Topics covered in this chapter include: Frameworks and guiding concepts for understanding the generational dimension in agrarian change, and whether there is a crisis of social reproduction … 25 $2.50


Topics covered in this chapter include: Colonial agrarian transformations, Socialist agrarian transformations, China and the Soviet Union, Corporate Farming, the Green Revolution, and an … 38 $3.80


Topics covered in this chapter include: households, the generational division of labour, education, pluriactivity, and plurilocality. 24 $2.40


Topics covered in this chapter include: Modes of intergenerational resource transmission, forms of intergenerational and intragenerational tensions, and the impact of gender, and class on the … 22 $2.20


Topics in this chapter explore the future of global agriculture and include: the aspirations of rural youth, rural youth and collective action and what the future holds for smallholder farms. 29 $2.90