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ISBN: 9780865719835-08

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Another End of the World is Possible


From: I Want a Better Catastrophe


In this chapter, Boyd explains why he tackles the climate crisis with " tragic optimism and a pair of not-at-all-rosy

“can-do pessimism” goggles."



Andrew Boyd

Andrew Boyd is a writer, humorist, activist, and CEO (Chief Existential Officer) of the Climate Clock, a global campaign that blends art, science, and grassroots organizing to get the world to #ActInTime on climate. He also co-created the grief-storytelling ritual the Climate Ribbon; founded the art-activist toolbox Beautiful Trouble, and led the 2000s-era satirical campaign Billionaires for Bush. Andrew's previous books include Daily Afflictions: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe and Life's Little Deconstruction Book: Self-Help for the Post-Hip. His lifelong ambition, cribbed from Milan Kundera, is "to unite the utmost seriousness of question with the utmost lightness of form." Andrew lives in New York City.