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Big Business and Hitler

For big business in Germany and around the world, Hitler and his National Socialist party were a welcome political development. Business was facing the Great Depression of in the 1930s, and for multinational corporations Germany was a bright spot. As Jacques R. Pauwels explains in this book, corporations were delighted with the profits that came from re-arming Germany, and then supplying both sides of the Second World War.

Recent historical research in Germany has revealed the links between Hitler’s regime and big German firms. Scholars have now also documented the role of American firms — General Motors, IBM, Standard Oil, Ford, and many others — whose German subsidiaries eagerly sold equipment, weapons, and fuel needed for the German war machine. A key roadblock to America’s late entry into the Second World War was behind-the-scenes pressure from US corporations seeking to protect their profitable business selling to both sides.

Basing his work on the recent findings of scholars in many European countries and the US, Pauwels explains how Hitler gained and held the support of powerful business interests who found the well-liked oneparty fascist government, ready and willing to protect the property and profits of big business. He documents the role of the many multinationals in business today who supported Hitler and gained from the Nazi government’s horrendous measures.


Jacques R. Pauwels

JACQUES R. PAUWELS has taught European history at the University of Toronto, York University, and the University of Waterloo. He is the author of The Great Class War 1914-1918 and The Myth of the Good War, revisionist histories of the World Wars. An independant scholar, Pauwels holds Ph.D.s in history and political science. He lives in Brantford, Ontario.
Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Revisionist historian Jaques R. Pauwels defines business and big business as it relates to his analysis of big business and Hitler. He gives a brief overview of the history of capitalism and the … 8 $0.80


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the situation in Germany from 1900-1919 that led to Hitler’s rise to power paying particular focus on the German elite of aristocrats and … 12 $1.20


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the period of 1920-1928 and how Hitler used the German elite’s interests in Industry to gain their support. He also analyzes how this … 10 $1.00


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the period of 1929-1932 and the economic and political crises that led more and more of Germany’s elite to support Hitler. 11 $1.10


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels discusses the role of industrialists and bankers in the political developments leading to Hitler being appointed as "Reich chancellor" in 1933. 6 $0.60


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines how Hitler eliminated the socialist and left-wing parties within Germany from 1933-1934. 9 $0.90


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines how Hitler’s government impacted on the profitability of big business and the wealth of Germany’s elite from 1933-1936. 21 $2.10


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels provides an examination of the economic landscape of Germany in 1936-1939. 15 $1.50


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines World War II (1939-1945) focussing on how it furthered the interests of big business in Germany and Germany’s elite 15 $1.50


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the period of 1941-1945 and the relationship between Nazism and corporate capitalism. 16 $1.60


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels breaks down the different ways big business in Germany supported facism and how it relates to their support of Hitler from 1933-1945. 7 $0.70


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines what was happening in the Western World while Hitler rose to power and the support that his regime found internationally (1920-1945). 16 $1.60


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the 1920s and 1930s and the interweaving of German and American capital. He provides historical analysis of the preceeding periods to show how … 13 $1.30


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels looks at the support that Hitler received from American industrialists and bankers who were tied to German business from 1920-1940. 17 $1.70


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the great depression (1929-1929) in America and how the tides were shifting for the American elite. He focusses on the rise of anti-semitism in … 17 $1.70


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines how the German’s Blitzkrieg method was made possible by American industry (1938-1942). 17 $1.70


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines how in the aftermath of Pearl Harbour (1941-1942) the relationship between Hitler’s regime and American big business still existed even … 12 $1.20


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines how World War II (1939-1945) meant profits for American business both in America and Germany. 11 $1.10


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels provides an examination of how Germany respected the rules of international capitalism for any enemy holdings in Germany from 1942-1945. 9 $0.90


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the American companies who amassed profits during World War II with emphsis on the increase in profits for firms with German holdings (1942-1948). 10 $1.00


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines the impact of the war on American corporate operations in Germany, with focus on the year 1948. 7 $0.70


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels examines how in the aftermath of World War II the American government was eager to rehabilitate German industrialists and bankers who had supported Hitler. 12 $1.20


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels offers concluding thoughts on how American corporate capitalism emerged from the Second World War as significantly more powerful in the world, eclipsing … 5 $0.50


Revisionist historian Jacques R. Pauwels looks at the role of corporate capitalism in the world today, and the connection back to the dyamics which emerged from the Second World War. 10 $1.00