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ISBN: 9780865719019-06

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Boxed In

Anxiety in the Masses

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition


Anxiety and its little buddy stress are on the rise in adults and, most troubling, increasingly also in children, adolescents, and youth. We are all now consistently revving at much, much higher levels. It appears all of us are functioning in significantly higher states of arousal. Accordingly, the rates of anxious depression, anxiety, and insomnia are skyrocketing, as can be seen by pharmaceutical sales and rates of prevalence in the general population.



Mari K Swingle

Dr. Mari Swingle is a practicing therapist, researcher, lecturer, and author who has been working in the fields of mental health and education for over 25 years. She is a renowned expert on the effects of i-technology, and holds a PhD and MA in Clinical Psychology, an MA in Language Education, and a BA in Fine Arts. She resides in Vancouver, Canada.