Mari K Swingle

Showing 1–16 of 36 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

i-Minds, 2nd edition

How and Why Constant Connectivity is Rewiring Our Brains and What to Do About it

The way we use i-technology is affecting our health and happiness. While programs, devices, information, and constant connectivity can offer us ease, liberation, and efficiency, they can also … 528 View


From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

My objective? To have us all pondering and examining. To “rise in arms” not against the i-tech industry but to our own blind acceptance or complacency, to our apparent apathy, and the … 1 $0.10 Add

The Shift

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

Every era has an innovation that changes the face of society: the way we think, the way we act and interact as individuals, as a community, and as a culture. As the innovation is introduced, it … 11 $1.10 Add

Technological Integration Versus Technological Interference

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

At the onset of the i-tech phenomenon, most of us first noted surface changes. For example, what we perceived as an emergent shallowness of information, a subtle lack of depth and length of … 12 $1.20 Add

The Pull

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

The process of the medium, of i-tech itself, is what is attractive; it draws us in. And this draw, or pull effect, is what has the potential to alter behavior. For example, the central concept in … 9 $0.90 Add

The Power of sound

History and Biology

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

Dings, and bings, various ringtones, and device alert our brains. They make us react. Not merely attentionally but neurophysiologically as well. The two are strongly biologically attached. The … 19 $1.90 Add

The Biological Science

What's Really Going on in Our Brains?

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

I am going to get down to the hard science: what really goes on in our brains when we overengage in i-tech. To this end, I will introduce modalities that permit us to examine the i-phenomenon at … 21 $2.10 Add

Boxed In

Anxiety in the Masses

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

Anxiety and its little buddy stress are on the rise in adults and, most troubling, increasingly also in children, adolescents, and youth. We are all now consistently revving at much, much higher … 17 $1.70 Add

From Digital Natives to i-Kids

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

In this chapter, I am going to speak of a critical dynamic that i-media has with play, learning, and creativity. This is a dynamic that concerns mostly digital natives, and the now very young: … 12 $1.20 Add

The Story of Alpha

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

In this chapter, I will discuss my discovery of the signature for modern excess: a form of brain deregulation purely associated with excessive use of i-media. 16 $1.60 Add

The Narrowing of Minds

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

How do you measure creativity if you never find it in the first place? I have noticed over the past five to eight years is that youth are progressively less aware of their creative potential. … 26 $2.60 Add

Of Systems and Process

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

We want to teach children not only how to use technologies, but how to choose technologies, and how to make them. We also want to teach them the caveats including biological hijacking and … 24 $2.40 Add

Back to Biology

Peigenetics and Vestibular Regulation

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

Epigenetics simply means is how our individual genetics mix with all the potential influences in our individual environment. As we are increasingly learning, epigenetics are not only important, … 16 $1.60 Add

From i-Kids to i-Brains

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

In this chapter, I would like to speak to my greater concern. Not changes in temporary brain state(s), or vulnerabilities that leave us all somewhat liable, not even the differences in … 17 $1.70 Add

Learning, Play, and Parenting

Conflicting Needs in a Busy, Busy World

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

With a little walk through history, and a little more developmental theory, I will explore larger cultural shifts in parenting and family systems, expand on the blurred lines of learning and … 22 $2.20 Add


Child's Play

From: i-Minds, 2nd edition

In this chapter, I will start a discussion on how, in the name of discipline, safety, and humaneness, i-tech has found yet another niche. How, for better or for worse, i-tech is now the principal … 21 $2.10 Add