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ISBN: 9781552215579-05

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Chapter 4

The Security Council


From: United Nations Law, Politics, and Practice


Topics covered in this chapter include a discussion of the membership of the United Nations Security Council, the function of the Security Council, the roles and responsibilities of the Security Council, and how the Security Council is held accountable.



Tavadian Alexandre

Alexandre Tavadian is the principal legal advisor of a large NATO agency headquartered in Luxembourg. Prior to joining NATO, he worked in the Office of Administration of Justice of the UN Secretariat and in the Legal Affairs Service of UNHCR in Beirut, Nairobi, and Bangkok. He appeared as counsel of record before national and international courts and tribunals at all levels, including the UN Dispute Tribunal, the UN Appeals Tribunal, NATO Administrative Tribunal, and the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Prior to joining the United Nations System, he worked as legal counsel in the Department of Justice of Canada, where he represented the interests of the Canadian government before the Federal Courts. He also worked as a lecturer in the Faculty of Law of the Université de Montréal.