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ISBN: 9781552453377-05

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Children vs. Mammalian Diving Reflex

From: Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract


In this chapter, the author unpacks the insights that emerged from collaborations between the Mammalian Diving Reflex company and projects with children. He describes the collaboration method that emerged, called the Succession Model of Youth Labour Engagement, how it emerged, the principles and assumptions behind it, as well as the stories that its development created. He then offers evaluative questions to learn whether an attempt to genuinely involve youth in work is happening in a particular situation, project or collaboration.



Darren O'Donnell

Darren O’Donnell is a novelist, essayist, playwright, director, designer, performer and the artistic director of Mammalian Diving Reflex. His most recent books include a novel, Your Secrets Sleep With Me, and Social Acupuncture: A Guide to Suicide, Performance and Utopia. Previously published drama includes Inoculations (which contains White Mice, Over, Who Shot Jacques Lacan?, Radio Rooster Says That’s Bad) and pppeeeaaaccceee. Through Mammalian Diving Reflex, he stages interventionist performance art, including Haircuts by Children, Slow Dance with Teacher, Ballroom Dancing and the Children’s Choice Awards