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ISBN: 9781550816716-18

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Community Perspective

Safe Harbour Outreach Project

From: Rock Paper Sex


This chapter is an interview with Safe Harbour Outreach Project and it touches on the challenges sex workers face, including criminalization and stigma of it, and how those challenges can be alleviated. A discussion of human rights as it applies to sex work, Bill C-36, and efforts to decriminalize sex work. The interview also discusses how to be an ally of sex workers. Finally the interview clarifies the relationship between sex work, feminism and patriarchy.



Keri Cull

Kerri Cull has a graduate degree in English from Memorial University of Newfoundland and is the founder of the former Book Fridge blog for which she interviewed writers and reviewed a few hundred books over a two year span. She has written for a handful of newspapers and magazines, has authored one book of poetry called Soak (2012) and is currently working on a novel based on her Cuffer Prize shortlisted story, What Do You Know About Wrestling? She lives and works in St. John’s.