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ISBN: 9781773632452-07

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Coordinating Struggles


From: Identifying as Arab in Canada


Chapter seven, Coordinating Struggles, begins with the fourth period of the author’s study, 1967 to 1975, looking at Arab organizing in Canada after the immigration laws changed in 1967. The chapter traces the emergence of Arab organizations and publications, particularly in Montreal. Then it considers the founding of the Canadian Arab Federation in 1967 and the context of Arab political organizing in Quebec. The final portion of the chapter focuses on the Canadian Arab Federation’s political organizing activities.



Houda Asal

Houda Asal holds a PhD in socio-history. Her doctoral thesis was published by Presses de l’Université de Montréal in 2016 as, “Se dire arabe au Canada. Un siècle d’histoire migratoire.” Asal has written and spoken extensively about this history and contemporary racism in Canada and France.