ISBN: 9781552214688-12


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Corporate Governance in Theory and Practice

From: The Law of Partnerships and Corporations, 4/e


Chapter 12 identifies the determinants of corporate governance other than corporate law rules in theory and practice and discusses their relationship with corporate and securities law.



J. Anthony VanDuzer

J. Anthony VanDuzer, BA, LLB, LLM, is a full professor and former vice dean at the Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, of the University of Ottawa. He holds the Hyman Soloway Chair of Business and Trade Law at the law school and is an adjunct research professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. At the University of Ottawa, he teaches contracts and upper-year courses on domestic and international business law, and has received several teaching awards. He has also taught in the University of Ottawa’s Executive MBA program, at Queen’s University’s International Studies Centre, and at the faculties of law at the University of Muenster in Germany and the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Prior to his academic career, Professor VanDuzer worked as a corporate lawyer at Fasken.