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ISBN: 9781773631912-37

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Disability Studies’ Insights for Critical Social Work

Section 13: Critical Disability Studies


From: Critical Social Work Praxis


Chapman explores how critical disability studies destabilizes traditional social work conceptions of disability as deficit, oppression, marginalization and/or biomedical deficit in order to centralize disability as a historically, politically and socially constituted category. In this way, critical disability approaches to social work question, challenge and denounce approaches to practice that continue to reproduce the medicalization, institutionalization, rehabilitation and policing of disabled people, while promoting disability pride and the self-determination of disabled people.



Chris Chapman

Chris Chapman is an associate professor of social work and critical disability studies, York University. They co-edited Disability Incarcerated and co-authored A Violent History of Benevolence: Interlocking Oppression in the Moral Economies of Social Working.