

Publication Year


ISBN: 9781552663448-08


Ecosocialist Responses to Capitalist Ecocide

Introduction Making the Greens Redder and the Reds Greener (Ian Angus) For a Society of Ancestors (Ian Angus) Climate Change Charter (Socialist Alliance) The Belem Ecosocialist Declaration (Ecosocialist International Network) Climate Crisis - 21st Century Socialists Must Be Ecosocialists (Daniel Tanuro/Fourth International)

From: The Global Fight for Climate Justice




Ian Angus

Ian Angus is one of the world’s best-known ecosocialist activists. He edits the online journal Climate and Capitalism, which has been described as “the most reliable single source of information and strategic insights for climate justice.”

Daniel Tanuro

Daniel Tanuro, a certified agriculturalist and ecosocialist environmentalist, is a supporter of the Fourth International in Belgium.