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ISBN: 9781552215210-10


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Effect of Order or Agreement or Other Arrangement That Benefits Child; Consent Orders

From: Child Support Guidelines, 2020


Discusses the effect order or agreement or other arrangements that benefits the child, focusing on the advantages and limitations of parental settlements, the relevant statutory provisions, the meaning of "special provisions" and "inequitable" under section 15.1(5) and 17(6.2) of the Divorce Act, the ambit of judicial discretion, as well as the role of court records and consent orders. Provincial legislation and guidelines are also touched upon.



Julien D. Payne

Julien D Payne, CM, QC, LLD, LSM, FRSC, is one of Canada’s pre-eminent family law specialists, and has been called the architect of the Unified Family Court and the no-fault divorce. He has taught family law at the universities of Alberta, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, and Western University, and has written extensively about family law and family dispute resolution. Payne is the author of Payne on Divorce, 4th ed (Carswell, 1996), and is the co-author of Canadian Family Law (Irwin Law). His writings have been cited in more than 2,000 cases by trial courts and appellate courts in Canada, including the Supreme Court of Canada. He was awarded the Law Society Medal by the Law Society of Upper Canada in 2002, and was made a member of the Order of Canada in 2004.