
Publication Year



The oil industry comes to call

From: Oil’s Deep State


Former Alberta opposition leader Kevin Taft describes the commercial crimes unit of the RCMP’s 2011 investigation into Bruce Carson’s lobbying activities which exposed the strategies used by the oil industry to shape government policy and public discoursein Canada. He also looks at the Energy Policy Insititute of Canada, a University of Calgary institute, and its work to bring together univeristies, public servants, and politicians to promote and pursue policies favoured by the oil industry.



Kevin Taft

KEVIN TAFT hoolds a Ph.D. in Business and is the author of four best-selling books and many research studies and articles on political and economic issues in Alberta. He was a member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta with the Alberta Liberal Party from 2001 to 2012, and Leader of the Opposition from 2004 to 2008. He has extensive public policy experience in the Alberta government, private sector, and non-profit sector, particularly in health, energy, and economic policy. He lives in Edmonton.