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ISBN: 9781775165965

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Everyday Evil

Why Our World Is the Way It Is

Instead of the epic, alien force of our imagination, anthropologist Monique Layton argues that evil is intrinsic to our humanity, constantly evolving with modern notions of morality.

Much of the world’s suffering, she argues, can be traced back to the individual actions of ordinary people trying— and failing—to maintain a static social order.


Monique Layton

Monique Layton is the former Associate Director of the Centre for Distance Education (Criminology Programs) at Simon Fraser University and resides in Vancouver. She was raised in North Africa and educated in France and Britain. After moving to Canada, she obtained degrees in comparative literature (MA) and cultural anthropology (PhD). Layton is the author of a number

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Preface 6 $0.60


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Good and Evil – Order and Dissonance – Intent and Consequence – Conscience and Redemption – Free Will and … 20 $2.00


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Hierarchies – Social Barriers – Legal Barriers – Physical Barriers 24 $2.40


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Slavery – Colonialism – Globalization 20 $2.00


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Protest – Charivari – Bullying – Curses – Hue and Cry 18 $1.80


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Cannibalism – Prostitution – Science – Surrogacy 28 $2.80


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Witchcraft – Adultery – Abortion – Female Genital Mutilation 18 $1.80


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Seafarers – Hooligans – Youth Gangs 22 $2.20


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: Democide and Genocide – Massacres – Shell Shock 24 $2.40


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: The Dominion of Man – The Petroleum Age – The Gaia Hypothesis 26 $2.60


Readings in this chapter include the following topics: The World Asunder – Our Uncommon Reality – The Human Condition – Tomorrow’s Leaders 29 $2.90