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ISBN: 9781773631912-25

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Evolving Theory of Whiteness: A Journey from W. E. B. Du Bois to Shame and Call-Out Culture

Section 9: Critical Whiteness Studies


From: Critical Social Work Praxis


Whiteness studies, as June Ying Yee and Gary C. Dumbrill observe in the theory chapter, is an evolving transdisciplinary field that emphasizes not only the socially constructed nature of whiteness, but also its inscription and solidification in white supremacist institutional processes, systems of knowledge, discourses about history, and individual values and emotions.



June Ying Yee

June Ying Yee is an associate professor at Ryerson University’s School of Social Work and academic coordinator of Ryerson’s Internationally Educated Social Work Professionals Bridging Program.

Gary C. Dumbrill

Gary C. Dumbrill is an associate professor at McMaster University’s School of Social Work. His research and teaching focus on service users’ theory, child welfare and anti-oppressive practice.