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ISBN: 9780865719835-03

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Existential Crisis Scenario Planning


From: I Want a Better Catastrophe


In this chapter, Boyd discusses the collapse of civilization and the threat of human extinction. Boyd examines these possibilities and argues that the current situation demands realistic conversations and active planning for the inevitable societal decline and environmental catastrophes that lie ahead.

This chapter includes an interview with Gopal Dayaneni. Dayaneni is a co-founder of the Movement Generation and a climate justice activist.



Andrew Boyd

Andrew Boyd is a writer, humorist, activist, and CEO (Chief Existential Officer) of the Climate Clock, a global campaign that blends art, science, and grassroots organizing to get the world to #ActInTime on climate. He also co-created the grief-storytelling ritual the Climate Ribbon; founded the art-activist toolbox Beautiful Trouble, and led the 2000s-era satirical campaign Billionaires for Bush. Andrew's previous books include Daily Afflictions: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe and Life's Little Deconstruction Book: Self-Help for the Post-Hip. His lifelong ambition, cribbed from Milan Kundera, is "to unite the utmost seriousness of question with the utmost lightness of form." Andrew lives in New York City.