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ISBN: 9781550927320

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Farm the City

A Toolkit for Setting up a Successful Urban Farm

Urban farming has the power to change diets, economies, and lives. Yet starting an urban farm can seem daunting with skills and knowledge that extend beyond growing to include marketing, sales, employees, community relations, and navigating local regulations.

In Farm the City, Michael Ableman, the "Spartacus of Sustainable Food Activism," offers a guide to setting up and running a successful urban farm, derived from the success of Sole Food Street Farms, one of the largest urban agriculture enterprises in North America. Sole Food Street Farms spans four acres of land in Vancouver, produces 25 tons of food annually, provides meaningful work for dozens of disadvantaged people, and has improved the surrounding community in countless ways.


Michael Ableman

Michael Ableman is the cofounder and director of Sole Food Street Farms and one of the early visionaries of the urban agriculture movement. Ableman has worked as a commercial organic farmer for the last 45 years. He is the founder of the nonprofit Center for Urban Agriculture, and has created high-profile urban farms in Watts and Goleta, California; and Vancouver, British Columbia. Ableman is the author of From the Good Earth (Abrams, 1993), On Good Land (Chronicle Books, 1998), Fields of Plenty (Chronicle Books, 2005), and Street Farm: Growing Food, Jobs, and Hope on the Urban Frontier (Chelsea Green, 2016). For more information about Michael Ableman go to or For more information about Sole Food Street Farms, read Street Farm: Growing Food, Jobs, and Hope on the Urban Frontier (Chelsea Green, 2016).

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


The introduction indicates that this book is a guide for creating urban farms that produce significant amounts of food while employing people who would most benefit from full time, meaningful … 3 $0.30


The first chapter discusses the process of planning an urban farm. Topics include the importance of clear missions, the necessity of experiential and financial capital to starting successful … 13 $1.30


This lengthy and comprehensive chapter about growing covers all practical aspects of growing food in urban, paved or contaminated environments including the infrastructure, such as greenhouses … 56 $5.60


This chapter discusses choices and considerations for marketing produce such as farmers’ markets, on site retail, community supported agriculture (CSA), restaurant sales, direct to retail, … 18 $1.80


This chapter delves deeper into the staffing an urban farm. For Sole Food Street Farm, it is to create meaningful, healthy full-time jobs for people most in need of them, and this shapes all of … 15 $1.50