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ISBN: 9780776604992


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God and Argument – Dieu et l’argumentation philosophique

Given the challenge of anti-realism, anti-foundationalism, and post-modernism, is rational argument concerning religious belief still possible? This collection provides a broad range of perspective on the contemporary discussion of the place of argument in philosophical discussion on God and, more generally on religious belief.


William Sweet

William Sweet is Associate Professer of Philosophy at St. Francis Xavier University and author of Idealism and Rights (1997). He has edited several collections of scholarly essays, including La philosophie de la

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Introduction 14 $1.68


In discussing the relation of ‘God and Argument,’ it is best to begin with a few fundamentals. So I will offer here some reflections on the philosophical treatment of existence and … 9 $1.08


Proofs far less elaborate than demonstrations can be enough for theoretical certainty, though even such proofs (beyond reasonable doubt, by clear and convincing evidence or prepondérance of … 11 $1.32


Il se trouve que la pertinence de la métaphysique est questionnée de façon radicale de toutes parts. Cette interrogation, voire cette contestation, qui touche à la … 25 $3.00


Metaphysics is not just the philosophical discipline that examines and evaluates arguments for their rational cogency; not just the philosophical interprétation of the ethos as reconfigured … 19 $2.28


All inquiry, they say, is carried on within the framework of a presupposed set of principles that determine, for instance, what is to count as being reasonable grounds for what. Therefore, they … 9 $1.08


What exists necessarily in the strongest sense of necessarily is surely what could not under any circumstances fail to exist. And such an entity must be compatible with anything else which could … 17 $2.04


In this paper I wish to present and explore one disagreement, that between Joseph Owens and Etienne Gilson. Here we have two philosophers who worked closely together in Toronto, who surely agree … 27 $3.24


The paper has two rather loosely connected parts: the first part reflects on the significance of the argument from contingency in the Five Ways of St Thomas Aquinas and raises the question of … 9 $1.08


L’existence de Dieu est aussi indubitable qu’elle est indémontable. Elle est indémontrable parce qu’elle est indubitable. 21 $2.52


In his book Approaches to God Jacques Maintain states in passing that Kant’s attack on thé ontological argument is solid, but that his réfutation of cosmological arguments is not. 13 $1.56


There is no doubt that proofs for the existence of God are no longer fashionable amongst contemporary philosophers. Many people attribute the death of such proofs to the critique given by … 25 $3.00


L’argumentation philosophique destinée à prouver l’existence de Dieu n’est pas pratique courante dans les milieux whiteheadiens. Tant chez les Process Theologians que … 15 $1.80


An important tradition in western philosophy believes in the primacy of natural science as a guide to truth. This is sometimes met with the charge that such an allegiance amounts to … 20 $2.40


Far from regarding miracles as evidentially significant, professional philosophera and theologians in the last two centuries have tended to view miracles as obstacles to belief. 11 $1.32


The intention of this paper is to argue that an analysis of the concept of design will provide grounds to refute any connection between this idea and arguments for the existence of God. 11 $1.32